Chapter 17) The Tide of Battle

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Artist: usbfan

"Our mission has changed for the time being: protect Dorothea - We won't let her die!"

She screamed this with as much passion as her lungs could muster. Beleth could feel herself tear up, but she knew that it was time to level up in resolve. She gritted her teeth, and stiffened her grip on the sword from her hand. As she got up, a new resolve had appeared for now. She was to live forward from this battle - and make sure everyone else did as well.

"My teacher, what are our orders!" It was clear that in being overwhelmed with taking charge, Edelgard started struggling in battle. "We don't have the luxury of time unfortunately, so please hurry!"

She had to think of something now. As of right now, a small horde of bandits were making their way towards the group. All they had for protection, was that of the barrage of desperate arrows being shot by Bernadetta, whilst a green growing symbol showing her Crest was in front of her. By doing this, the bandits were backing up occasionally, and could not manage to make a quick strike on the group.

Beleth could see this all happening, and she had an idea. It was a risky one, and was far from the foolproof plans that her brother would usually concoct, but it was the only one she could think of. As Beleth Wiped away any forming tears from her eyes, she swung her sword forward in pure determination. Even if it might become a brief feeling of dark thrill, she knew that this was an opportunity which had to be taken by any means.

"Edelgard, you and I our only frontal fighters in the group. I need you to charge in with absolutely no fear for damage! Just whittle away their numbers, and I think as long as you stay a decent rage from us, we can slowly close in on you and have Linhardt heal your minor damages as you fight! I'll back you up once I tell Linhardt my idea."

Reckless: It was an amazingly reckless way to change the tides of battle. Edelgard heard this, but did little in questioning it openly. For now, she knew that any doubts in this situation would lead to downfall, so it was imperative that Edelgard could trust her teacher. To her, it was a hurdle she had to pass in order to make her way to a better future.

"Alright, I shall trust in you, my teacher."

"Thank you." She meant this, as Beleth had felt worried of having her plan being rejected.

As the two of them turned back to the fight, they began noticing that the flurry of arrows were lessening from Bernadetta. She was both running out of arrows - and avoiding another batch of them from the other side of the battle. The enemy had gotten drift of why they could not proceed, and this was why their defense began to increase.

"It's now or never, professor. I will rush in now, so let's hope Linhardt does his part."

Her enthusiasm was little in this scenario. Whilst determination could be spotted, it was because it was necessary for a victory. Slowly, Edelgard gave a breath of reluctance, closed her eyes, and then charged in with a scream of anger from Dorothea's injury.

Beleth watched her as she continued fighting. Soon enough, she would be joining. Before that, she had to quickly inform Linhardt of the plan. As she looked back at Bernadetta, it was apparent that he was nowhere to be spotted. This confused Beleth, but she kept looking. Her head moved, until finally he saw Linhardt near the injured Dorothea. Except, he did not seem normal. As Beleth noticed his shaking, she instantly realised exactly what was going on. She quickly ran in panic, and in the need to calm him down.

When she finally made it, she could see Dorothea was already trying to calm her classmate down from the blood dripping from her stomach, but her coughs and wheezes were not helping the situation. Dorothea was already healed enough, but she needed to not be speaking in order to get rest. Unfortunately, Linhardt was in a trance of fear. His hands shook, whilst his eyes kept closing in and out.

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