Chapter 22) Solar Songstress

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Artist: Official artwork from the cipher cards. As far as I know, there is no direct credit to an artist, however I will try to continue looking into it in future.

There was no beauty to the place whatsoever. The girl looked around her environment, and could only find the faces and bodies of poverty and sadness. It was always like this, and nobody had ever managed to find an escape. There would always be coughs, cries, and violence. Did the general populace come to offer their help? No. They never did. The people of royalty and nobility would always look down on everyone. They already had a way of comfort, so why would they need to go out of their way to help others reach it?

She looked down. Her clothes had been tattered. She was growing older, and her body was beginning to show it. The once luscious and long hair was short. Without any hair products to properly help her, it had turned into a short, dry mess. Then there was her pale complexion, which was always overshadowed by the dirt around her body. Indeed, she made no effort to show those above her that she was not that of a beggar. Even if she did, it would always shine through in the end. If she could barely speak the language of her only people, then she could not even have a chance of advancing in high society.

When the girl looked back up, the grey brick wall awaited her front gaze. From the left and right, were that of the cold stares of the older people who previously gave up hope. Soon enough, she would join their ranks. She was growing hungry.

How many days had passed since she had last eaten? Everytime she stole, both her fear and guilt always heightened, so she only did it around every few weeks. Begging helped only in a few instances, however with so much competition, it was a difficult thing to do. Slowly and slowly, her humanity was being defiled, and eventually, her existence altogether would be forgotten.

A mark on humanity was all she ever wanted in that moment. As if it were her final attempt before her hope was lost like those around her, she began singing. Her head was too weak to properly examine once more of the reactions around her, but she did not care. The words she sang were a jumbled mess of what she could eavesdrop in at the local theatre nearby, and she knew that the lyrics were wrong altogether. It was a song of a happy tone, and that was why it resonated so much with her damaged self, however, it was only at a mediocre level.

Someone had walked by her. From his speed, shoes, and manner of movement, she could already tell this person was of noble descent - despite only being able to look at her hands. The figure continued walking away, but she still hoped to leave her final mark. The girl kept singing. The melodies and soft fragrance of the song only grew, and soon enough, many of those around her began to secretly sit near her, as if to seek comfort. It was still not enough to help her likelihood, but it soothed her and many others.

Footsteps came once more. This time, it was from the opposite direction. The very same speed, shoes, and manner of walking as before were present this time. Rather than fully exiting her area, the footsteps stopped in front of her. The legs turned, and soon enough the front faced the girl. She was still looking down, but she could hear his voice. It was a deep, rough, malicious voice, but it called out to her in the darkest of places.

"Look up, girl." She did not reply. "So much of you has been taken away, and yet you carry a voice of profound beauty."

The girl wanted to look up. At this point, she began realising that she could have possibly found salvation. As those around her backed away from the man, she began to notice his hand reaching down towards her.

"This is poverty. I've seen it everyday when crossing here for my work, but I myself would die if the experience of it landed on my life. Tell me, do you not want to escape from here?" He lowered his hand, allowing the girl to slightly raise her head to show her attention. "Come with me - and do not look back. From here on, you will enter a life of extreme competition, greed, lies, and talent. It is indeed a life that nobody of your age would dare to enter if they knew the full consequences, but I see that nothing is as worse as the life you are currently residing in. I offer you my hand on a new life. Would you like to take it, or will you swallow your last breaths and give up hope like those around you - ending in your slow demise, never to leave a mark into the future's hands?"

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