Chapter 48) A Desperate Counterattack

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Artist: Screenshot from the game

Sothis was trying her hardest to keep everyone alive. The students were trained. They were leagues above the other classes, but they would never be perfect. For all those months they had readily engraved Byleth's teaching onto their minds, they could not account for the life-times worth of teachings that their enemy must have had. Even still, Sothis was near Beleth, and she too was near Byleth. The two acted as her middle-ground, and so she could wander around the mausoleum freely because of it.

She had learnt from her years worth of trial and error with Byleth about how to keep giving visions. Before, she used to show Byleth the very past of Fódlan's. She showed him a time of war, and a time of raging chaos. Now, she could do the very opposite. She managed it just a little during the battle with Lonato, but she could relay her memories onto others, just as she could with the siblings to catch them up on the situation.

When a student was felled, she rewinded time, then implanted their prior mistake onto them before their moment's end. She first saved Caspar, then did the same for Dorothea, eventually managing it even for Linhardt as he ran towards Beleth to heal her. Switching which student to save was taxing. She floated endlessly, surveying the ground from above to see who was in need of her assistance. Afterwards, she hoped they would forget this strange occurrence and chock it down to luck. Byleth was in grouping them together. Anytime she heard a scream or plea for help, she knew it was her time.

Still, over time she could feel her powers weakening, and she too had felt herself breathing out of exhaustion from her efforts. Still, the students were learning. They were under a form of pressure that no classroom could teach them, and none of them were taking it for granted on this day. What began as a few flimsy mistakes had evolved into an onslaught of mitigations and evolutions to prevent their prior errors. Eventually, they were even capable of looking out for themselves, alongside their friends.

When the mist had first entered the room, Byleth had dispelled the mage almost immediately, but it had given enough time for the enemy to scour out and invade. They used him as a sacrificial pawn, and he accepted that fate with evil-eyed readiness. It was how they managed to sneak in. Amongst the crowds before them, they had disguised the already thinned out security with layers of fog, and little-by-little, the enemy had taken a step into the hall in waves to surprise the class. It had worked, and almost immediately, everyone had found themselves in a confused state of combat, whilst the few of the remaining enemies had taken it as their duty to run upwards through the hall as the frontal arrangement was distracted.

They were after not just everything, but something. Sothis could not figure out what they wanted. The few that were running upwards had to face the rapid-fire arrows raining from below, thanks to Bernadetta. Hiding behind the various pillars, they used a few of the tombs to slide around, trying their best to hide from the eyes that preyed for them.

Bernadetta was quick to notice. She turned to Hubert, shouting, "I- I need you to do me a favour!"

"I'm listening." His miasma balls were able to land upon the enemy, however the far-away range had made it difficult for him to properly dispel all of the opposing forces.

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