Chapter 2) Eagle, Lion & Deer

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Artist: 24914x

Even if the three teenagers they were tasked with saving were having trouble in dispelling the bandits, both twins had already obtained years of experience in doing so, allowing them to ensure their safety during this battle. When commanding the small makeshift army, Byleth had made sure to take time in realising each of his new allies' weaknesses. Whenever one of them stumbled in an attack, he would quickly command his sister to save them. The same could also be said when Beleth had found an opening made by the enemy, where Byleth would then order her to move on whilst one of the three new faces vanquished her foe. In doing so, he was making sure that their new allies would learn and gain experiences that would shape them for future use..

With each bandit that was taken out, their victory would seem more apparent. Byleth had ordered everyone to drive off the bandits outside to a remote area of Remire soas not to impede the locals. Once this was settled, a quick movement was made towards the leader of the enemy ranks.

He was a man of unappealing looks. He had a bulky body, stiff eyes, wide forehead, as well as lost teeth, which further added to show his carelessness. Once he saw the twins appear, he smirked.

"To think they sent kids to defeat me," he laughed. "I'll show you what a true rogue is made of!"

After saying this, he made a swing - but Byleth quickly countered it with a swift strike. Once their swords had clashed, they struggled against each other for what seemed to be a handful of seconds. Quickly nodding to his sister, Byleth signalled for Beleth to thrust the enemy with his sword, causing him to fall off.

By this action of cooperation, the three who had requested their help could only stare in complete awe. If they wanted to lead the countries that they resided in, then they would only need to look to follow the example of the mercenaries that had saved their lives on this day. Whilst she was impatient in checking the dead bodies, Edelgard made her way to Byleth in awe.

"It was a remarkable honour to fight with you," She offered a slight smile at him, but it was soon halted once a raging cry came by her side.

Due to their carelessness in checking to see if he was taken out, the leader of the bandits had risen in fury, running towards the unsuspecting Edelgard. She could only look, for once she pulled out her dagger, it would be too late.

"I won't let a bunch of kids outdo all of my years of work," he screamed in his mad dash of vengeance.

Byleth quickly jumped forward and swung his sword towards the direction of the axe, making their weapons clash for a prolonged amount of time. As both enemies were beginning to drain away at their strength, he quickly gave a signal to his sister, causing her to jab her sword below and separate the weapons. At the surprise, the bandit had trouble maintaining his grip on the axe, instead flinging it elsewhere in the process. He could only stare in horror. He saw Byleth's eyes that carried little emotion. On noticing this, he quickly ran in fear. Dimitri was to make an attempt to stop him, but Claude had halted his progress.

"Easy there, Blondey. I think that's enough work for today. Are you not pooped yet?"

He reluctantly abided by Claude's wishes, and the group quickly ran towards Edelgard to check for her safety. Whilst she was mildly startled by all of this, it was clear that this was only increasing her adoration for the two twins. Noticing this, Beleth offered a slight smile, but quickly joined her brother.

"Wait... what is it exactly that you two are doing now?" Their actions had prompted Dimitri to wonder.

"It's only proper etiquette to allow the dead to weep in peace. We're just going to take some time to give them a proper burial. You three should report back to our father and tell him we took care of your issue. We can talk afterwards," She continued, smiling kindly.

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