Chapter 26) Everyone's Later Ambitions

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Artist: 123Asase on Twitter

The certification exams were important to Edelgard. For a while now, she had been studying attentively for it. Edelgard wanted it most to pass the exams. It would both help inspire the rest of the class to catch up to her, whilst also being a marker for how much she had grown over the past month. Even still, she wanted to prove her might as the princess of Adrestia, and to do that would require a great deal of effort.

Walking towards her class, she had stumbled upon Ferdinand. Sure, his usual competitive nature towards her was always a struggle to endure, but Edelgard felt like she was in need of it for today. Ever since the day she saw the orange sunset, she had been inspired to give it her all.

"Ferdinand, what's wrong?" She caught up to him. "It shouldn't be me noticing you first today, right? I'm sure you've much to say in how you've bested me already."

Turning back to her, the noble smiled. "Tease me all you wish, however I shall let you be free for today. After all, it is a very special occasion we should be celebrating." Turning back to her, Ferdinand could see her confused face. Was she sad over his neglect of his usual attitude? To try and cheer her up, Ferdinand turned his smile into a darker smirk. "However, if you wish, I can allow you an opportunity to witness my unparalleled skills at a later date, if you want?"

"I would accept that now, but I have a feeling I'll tire of you eventually," Edelgard chuckled. "Regardless, you're going to need to do a great deal to catch up to me. That's especially since the certification exams are coming soon."

"Do not think I have not been studying for them. I assure you that where you fall and blunder, I will jump and shine!"

For a second, Edelgard could have sworn she saw stars on Ferdinand's face. Despite mocking appearances, she knew he was a kind soul. Even if being a royal had slightly boosted his ego, that did not mean Ferdinand was all talk.

"I'll look forward to it for now."

Walking off into the distance, Edelgard had a childish sense to ask others if they had been studying. It could have been because she wanted to learn about them, or even just a selfish need to see who she was above and below in terms of skill. Regardless, it never hurt to ask. As she jogged towards the class, she found Ferdinand running also. He was faster than her, and eventually Edelgard had tired of trying to catch up to him.

"I understand you're relentless in trying to beat me," Edelgard muttered to herself. "But why run so far?"


It took a bit of time for her to recover from her fatigue. After she had done so, she continued her usual light jog. It was her mistake to try to catch up to Ferdinand, and especially in a period where she had been tiring herself out from ongoing studies.

Finally slowing down to open the classroom door, she saw the class quiet in their seats. Byleth had been busy scribbling something on the board; they were most likely notes. Meanwhile, Beleth had an eerie stare being given. Her shoulders rested on the table she sat beside, and she coolly rested her chin across her knuckles with a silent glare.

Edelgard felt uncomfortable. Everyone had stayed silent. Not even Hubert was speaking. Something was wrong. As Edelgard cautiously walked forwards, she tried to catch Caspar's attention.

"Caspar, what's happened here?"

He did not answer. Giving a quick look at her, Caspar quickly returned to his position of attentiveness towards Beleth. Edelgard felt a brief shiver. She steeled herself for what was to come, and walked towards her professor. She was not sure if she had done something to upset her teachers, but whatever it was, it would have to be dealt with swiftly. That was her line of thinking. She had far too much else to worry about, and this would not help.

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