Chapter 6) Crest of Flames

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Artist: Official artwork from one of the attacks that Byleth performs in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

It was the very next day that Byleth was making his way towards the direction of Hanneman's office. He knew that his father had wanted to speak with him in private, alongside Hanneman wanting to analyse whether Byleth had a Crest. Despite knowing little of what a Crest actually was, he was still curious enough to try and attempt to visit his office. Meanwhile, his sister was meant to be busy looking after the other students.

"Would the other one be alright with teaching the children?" Byleth was instantly startled at the sound of the young girl within his head, and almost made a loud sound of surprise. "Oh, you simply must learn to grow accustomed to the sound of my voice. It is I who shall be with you till death do us part."

"You have not talked to me in a while." He whispered, so as not to alert any passing strangers. "What do you wish to interrupt me for today?"

"It would do you wise to treat me with more respect. I simply wanted to ascertain whether your sister would be capable of teaching them."

"Sister is highly capable of doing well without me. I am sure that she is overjoyed at the prospect of talking to them," Byleth explained, not giving it more thought. "Now, you shall answer my question: who are you exactly, and why is it that my sister has a hard time noticing you?"

"Did I not tell you that my name is Sothis. I am still unclear as to how I remember that name, and I certainly can't understand the trouble your sister has in seeing me."

"So this is the same answer as before, then?" Byleth repeated, unamused.

"Do not try to act smart with me. I am no human child, after all. For you to have thought that of me when we first met drives me to the edge."

"I have met you many times before. Why was it only then that our previous interaction was unique out of all of our older encounters?"

"That is most certainly a mystery. Do you think it has to do with it being a life or death situation?"

Rather than answering her, Byleth began to think back to his last meeting with Sothis. It was not too long ago. In fact, it was just the previous day that Sothis had saved his life. If it were not for her, then the students would not have been saved successfully. Byleth closed his eyes in lament, and thought back to when it had all first started.


It happened in Remire Village. When the twins had first met Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude, they had all engaged in a fight to the death against some common bandits.

With his tactical skills, Byleth had made sure to send in each student in their own respective terrain. He would send Claude through the bushes to fire away at the bandits, whilst Dimitri would sneak around the area and ambush any unsuspecting goons. Edelgard was a different story. She would charge upfront with the help of Beleth to cover her. Through this method, they had managed to subdue most of the bandits.

When they thought that everything was settled, it ended up not being so. In an instant, the leader of the bandits had jumped up in anger. It did not matter that this was a losing fight to him, as he was consumed with rage.

Nobody had noticed his dash towards Edelgard in time. Even when she realised she was going to be attacked, all Edelgard could do was pull out a simple dagger, but there was little time to even react.

The only one who could react - was Byleth. He made a mad dash towards the bandit. With a quick swing, the axe in the bandit's hand was making its fast way towards the flesh of Edelgard. Byleth managed to get in front of her before it could tear through her, but he did not make it in time to deflect the attack.

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