chapter 5) The Black Eagle House

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Artist: artistblack

Now that it was finally decided what house that the twins were to teach, they had only to tell the archbishop Rhea about their choice. By then, the students were already expected to return to their respective lessons. As they were walking, the twins noticed that the Black Eagle house had no such teacher coming in to take care of them.

Whilst this was a curious observation, it had all suddenly made sense once more thought was put into it. Byleth had remembered that Rhea mentioned how their teacher ran away at the first sighting of bandits. It was ironic that the exact class where their old teacher had run away from, would end up being the very class that the twins were picking.

There were still much more pressing matters to attend to after this was over. When he recalled back into his memories, Byleth had remembered how his father had asked to see him at a safer time. Before they were set to teach, this had to be done. He had not forgotten about this request from his father, as it was one of massive importance.

As they ascended up the stairs into Rhea's chambers, Byleth took one more look into their surroundings. The walls of the academy were carved precisely with care, whilst the patterns on the floor were made with extreme delicacy. This was not just any academy. Even if the twins had never been to an institute like this in their lifetime, they could tell just how large the scale of this one truly was. With such a glamorous building, their task seemed even more daunting to do. With a look of determination, the twins pressed forward. Their next destination: Rhea's chambers.


This time when they had entered, it was not Seteth standing beside Rhea. Rather, he was situated towards the left of the room, whilst Manuela and Hanneman occupied his previous spot. From this, it was easy to gather that Rhea had known about their given offer of choosing a class to teach. This was perfect for the two, as now their two requests given from these people had coincided with one another. When Rhea had asked them to meet the students, it had also fit perfectly in helping them decide who they were to teach. In noticing this, Byleth could not help but feel as if this was planned out.

"I see you have finally made a decision." Rhea smiled gently at them. "Professor Hanneman and Manuela have told me about their offer. What house is it that you wish to teach, dear children?"

Silence had come forth for a moment. In this time spent with little sound, the twins had faced their heads at each other with determination and nodded in readiness. The way they saw it, this was a class that was perfect for them. If their previous teacher had left, then it only made sense for them to pick the very class that suffered from this loss.

Even after their encounter with Edelgard and when the curious individual of Bernadetta came into their lives, Byleth was still rather sceptical of this whole ordeal. However, in seeing his sister so happy to be doing this, he could not help but feel he may have picked the correct choice.

"I'd like for us to pick the Black Eagle House," Beleth said, with vigor.

In an instant, everyone could see her resolve when saying this. It was only then that Byleth realised just how passionate his sister was about picking this class. If it were not for the words of Linhardt, Petra and Bernadetta, then this may have never been a possibility.

When seeing Beleth with a determined look, Manuela chuckled to herself. "How precious. Not even I was that straightforward when I was around your age."

"This seems to fit quite perfectly with Manuela and I," Hanneman added. "As we were accustomed to our previous classes, it would only make sense that you pick the one whose instructor escaped from. I daresay - that I was hoping for you to pick them!"

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