Chapter 35) Reconciling a Heavy Loss

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 Once the mist had fully cleared, and the the enemies had fully fallen or surrendered, and the remaining allies were safely secured, everyone had made their way back. Still, they were in low spirits. This was not like their prior mission. Today, not a single one of the students saw complete satisfaction in their victory. Once their adrenaline had ceased, there was an element of powerlessness in their victory.

"This is so annoying," Caspar bellowed angrily, shifting his head onto the ground in guilt. "Of all the people we had to get rid of, why was it them?"

The rest could only listen in empathy. Looking across the rest of her class, Bernadetta wondered. "Hey... I've been thinking," It was not often she spoke. Everyone else had looked over her in this seemingly rare moment. "What if our mission at the Red Canyon was a one-off? We killed innocent people today, but it felt so much more different than before. Back then, we felt bad about it, sure, but... they were bandits."

"So you're saying they deserved to die?" Hubert inquired bluntly.

"No, I mean-"

"It helps to take a more objective stance, you know. No matter how you look at it, the people we fought today were different to the ones at Zanado."

"They didn't deserve their end..."

"They chose to see to it that their life would end in the way it did." In saying this, the rest of the class made a sudden realisation. "You can hide it all you want, but ultimately the ones we fought today had died choosing to fight us. They have only themselves to blame."

Hearing this, Bernadetta had no refutable arguments to make. Looking at her bow, she wondered aloud. "Are all of our missions going to be like this?"

Nobody had an answer. Feeling betrayed by her expectations, Bernadetta simply gritted her teeth. After some time, a hand had touched her shoulder.

"We are all feeling the sadness today," Petra consoled. "The truth will be-" She stammered, but did not let her lack of knowledge of the language stop her. "The truth is... we do not know."

Looking at Petra, she saw a solemn smile. It was clear she had not been completely cured of her worries, but looking at her peer trying to remain optimistic had calmed Bernadetta.

"I know we shouldn't sweat too much on it all," Caspar acknowledged. "I just need some time to process what just happened is all."

"We all do, Caspar. Believe me when I say you're not the only one." Dorothea, who had chosen to remain silent during this exchange, had agreed with her friend.

Everyone continued their trip in solemn silence. Their walk back had many thoughts to be focused towards. Looking elsewhere, Edelgard noticed Byleth in front of her. She paced herself to converse with him.

"Professor, everyone's not feeling as ready as they were before the mission."

Noticing her, Byleth added his own thoughts. "Death is a brutal subject." Thinking back, he recounted old memories. "I have been told I was fortunate to not be shaken by it in my old line of work. I am sure not everyone can be as calm during this time."

"How do you view it, then?" Edelgard inquired. "You're right. Death is a fickle subject, but how are you able to properly get through it, knowing you're killing potentially innocent lives?"

"They chose this path, and I was simply given the task of dispatching them. There is nothing more to it." Edelgard found this fascinating. Never before had she met someone with such an objective stance before. "And what of you? Why do you not count yourself alongside your class?"

Thinking back on everything, Edelgard spoke to herself. "A life lost is not always a death in vain. Change can't be brought peacefully either. I think the people of the nearby village acted upon those beliefs. To them, if they helped someone progress even a little further through their own failures, then they would find satisfaction in their untimely demise." Edelgard closed her eyes, fully aware her beliefs were not fully agreed upon by many. "Sometimes, a sacrifice has to be made for the greater good."

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