Chapter 3) The Church Of Seiros

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Artist: Sadly I could not find out who drew this artwork. If any of you do know, then please comment it down for me so that the artist can get the credit which they deserve.

Whilst they all initially left at nightfall, it had progressed to daybreak once the group had finally sighted the monastery. The journey was a unique one for the siblings. They were forced to endure a plethora of vintage jokes from Alois, alongside watching their father display the most forced smiles that they had ever seen. However, despite knowing that they were being forced into coming here, the twins' curiosity had overtaken their desire to continue their previously planned travel routine.

"Like it or not, we should be there soon," Edelgard announced to her peers, without so much as a look at them.

Upon hearing this, the twins looked at her, then faced the direction they were going in. Just like a pop-up book, the forest dissipated from their sight, leading to the view of a large mountain, alongside a large building atop it.

When seeing this, Beleth could not help but feel awe at the sight. Atop the already tall naturescape, was an even taller array of walls towering over the landscape, mixed in with various buildings and a town. Whilst the first layer of walls hosted the average village, there was a second smaller one within, guarding a large castle-like building in its confines. It had gotten to the point where the actual monastery was reaching up atop the clouds at its highest peak.

"That, my friends," Alois pointed with pride. "Is the very centre of Fódlan. One of the many wonders of our time, might I add. I'm sure many people dream of going inside it - even more so to be taught at the Officer's Academy's tightest innards."

"So this is the centre of Fódlan?" Byleth showed little interest in the landscape, but rather the fact that they had never once before visited it before.

"It truly is, and you're going to be given the honour of viewing it," Alois once again answered.

At this comment, Beleth had a childish smile of joy appear from her face. It was one that could not be taken off of her easily. When Jeralt noticed this, he returned the smile at first, but quickly remembered the reason he had made his children avoid it for so long. One way or another, he had to tell both twins about the circumstances that led him to leaving this place. The only issue, though, was when exactly he would tell them.

Needless to say, he knew now was not the time, especially with the other three students around them. From when they gave their initial introductions to him, Jeralt could tell they were of noble and important birth - even more so by the fact that they were the future heirs of their respective territories.

Edelgard had previously announced she was the imperial princess of the Adrestian Empire, whilst Dimitri told of his role as the future prince for the Kingdom Of Fearghus, as well as Claude being so for the Leicester Alliance. These were the three great countries in Fódlan's continent, and with these seemingly important people being present, Jeralt knew it was not right to tell his children what he wished to say as of this moment, or else he would have started a civil outcry.

"Hey, you two, listen to me for a second." Both of Jeralt's children turned to him. "When you have time, come over. I need to talk to you and tell you more about what I know about this place."

"Will that be necessary?" Alois had interjected. "I can gladly show them the way around the grounds. Of course, lightening a friend's workload is something that only the best of them would do," He laughed to himself.

Jeralt felt a pang of annoyance hit him. With Alois around, he would not even be given the chance to give his own children a signal of warning. This was his mistake for not telling them these things beforehand. Whilst he was always an impatient man, he knew he had to wait for an opportunity - just this once.

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