Chapter 10

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Second chapter in the past 12 hours! It is currently 1.15 am but I had nothing else to do and tomorrow is the Easter holidays so I stayed up to write this. Hope you enjoy xx

I was back in my room, after chemo, currently throwing up into whatever Calum was holding whilst he gently rubbed my back with his other hand.

I felt extremely nauseous and I hated it. If it was like this after ever chemo I wasn't sure how I was going to handle it.

"Here, take this," Calum said, handing me a tablet once I was done throwing up.

"What is it?" I asked.

"A nausea pill. It doesn't taste very nice but just let it dissolve on your tongue and it should help the nausea go down in a few minutes," he explained.

I placed the pill on my tongue, closing my mouth and scrunching up my face at the awful flavour.

"Ugh," I said, taking the water of water Calum handed me. I took a large gulp, swirling it round my mouth before spitting it into the bucket before taking a large drink from the bottle.

"Other than the nausea, how are you feeling?" Calum asked.

"Tired," I answered, lying down.

"Ok. I'm going to leave you to try and have a small nap and I'll be back in a couple hours to bring you lunch."

"No food," I moaned, rolling over and facing away from him. There was no way I could eat anything now.

"I know you don't feel up to it now, but you have to eat. You should feel better by that time anyway," Calum said. "I'll see you soon, Megan, alright?"

"Alright," I mumbled.

"Just try and relax. Don't go anywhere."

I nodded and then he left the room.

I pulled the covers right up over my shoulders, trying to will myself into sleep. Twenty minutes later I gave up and grabbed my phone from the bedside table.

Turning it on, I was surprised to see a text message notification from the group chat I had with my parents.

Hi Sweetie! Hope you're doing alright. Do you want to call later? Dad's been caught up at work so he won't be able to join but we could if you want. Let me know. Love you xx

I smiled as I read it, extremely happy that she wanted to speak to me. I was a little disappointed Dad wouldn't be on the call but I was just happy Mum had texted.

Yeah I'd love to. Are you free now? Xx

I waited for an answer, hoping to receive another text but one didn't come. I was starting to lose hope when suddenly my phone started ringing.

My smiled widened as I accepted the FaceTime, seeing Mum's face appear in the screen.

"Hi!" I greeted her happily.

"Hi, Sweetie! How are you doing?"

"Okay. I had my first chemo today which made me sick but it could have been worse," I said.

"I'm sorry, are you feeling a bit better now?"

"Yeah, the nausea's gone down."

"Well that's good. How are the doctors? Are they treating you alright?"

"Yeah they're really nice. Calum is amazing."

"Calum?" She asked, clearly worried who I was talking about.

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