Chapter 18

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Thank you for 10k!!!!
Also if you haven't already go check out 5sosxruel new book 'Risk', it's so good! (And the rest of them if you haven't already read them.)
Ashton hadn't brought Jake to see me last night; he clearly hadn't wanted to fix things then.

"Morning, sweetheart," Calum entered my room with a small smile. He seemed wary, probably of how I would be feeling this morning.

I had been a mess last night and he insisted on staying with me until I fell asleep.

It felt as though that had been hours but in reality was probably a lot shorter; all that crying tires you out.

Random fact I saw today: crying engages 17 muscles. No need for the gym when you can have a good cry every other day.😂😂

"Morning," I answered quietly, offering Calum a small smile of my own.

"I brought you breakfast," he said, carrying a tray over to my bed.

It was an omelette, which I have to say was one of my favourite breakfasts.

"Thank you," I said I'm that same quiet, monotonous voice, despite the fact the omelette had made me happy.

"How are you feeling this morning?" Calum asked, sitting down beside my bed.

I shrugged.

"Better or worse than last night?"

"Better, I guess. Maybe the same, I don't know."

"But not worse, and that's a good thing," Calum said with a small smile. "After breakfast, I need you to get up, alright? You've got group therapy this morning."

"I don't want to go," I whined.

"I know you don't, sweetheart, but it will be good for you. And you can talk to Ashton after if you want or need to."

"Ok," I agreed to go, knowing there was no way I would be able to get out of it.

I ate my breakfast before slowly getting out of bed, dressing in leggings and an oversized hoodie I usually only wore to sleep in. I threw my hair up into a messy bun before pulling on a pair of sliders.

"You ready to go?" Calum asked, entering my room.

"Yeah," I mumbled, avoiding eye contact with him.

I followed Calum down the corridors until we reached the room where group therapy was held.

"Morning, Megan, how are you feeling today?" Ashton asked gently wince we reach the door.

I shrugged.

"I'll see you in a bit, alright?" Calum said "You've got chemo this afternoon so I'd like to take it easy this morning."

Take it easy? What did he think I'd be doing?

I planned to just sit in bed all day doing absolutely nothing.

"I do want you to stay behind at the end though," Ashton said "just so we can talk about yesterday."

I didn't answer either of them, instead walking straight into the room and taking a seat. I kept my gaze fixed on the ground, my arms folded across my chest.

Due to this, I did not noticed Jake approaching me until he spoke.

"Megan," he said, his voice breaking.

I looked up at him, gaze hard and face set in an angry scowl.

"What?" I snapped.

"Can we talk?" He asked.


"Please, let me explain-"

"What is there to explain, Jake? You don't want to see me. You think I am clingy, and desperate. So now you can just fuck off; I don't want to talk to you," I said angrily yet the words burned as they left my mouth. It hurt me so much that Jake had said those things. But I was lying when I said I didn't want to talk to him.

"Megan, please."

"Leave me alone," I said firmly, finally getting him to walk away.

I had to stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks, refusing to let anyone here see me cry.

Jake had been the only other patient here I had really gotten along with and now he had said those things about me I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't want to talk to someone who clearly didn't like me.

Ashton entered the room a few minutes later, taking his seat, but I didn't look up. I didn't look up throughout the whole session. I didn't speak either.

I was just so done with all of this. I refused to share anything whilst Jake was here and ignored everyone else when they talked.

I just wanted to go home.

After the hour was over I immediately stood up and headed for the door.

"Megan," I heard Ashton call but I ignored him.

I didn't want to stay and talk to him right now.

"Megan can you come back here?" He asked but I walked out and back to my room.

I didn't talk during my chemo either. Calum didn't leave me this time, not even to sit over the other side of the room. He sat next to my chair the whole time.

I didn't even speak to Laura who said hi as the end of her chemo slot crossed over with the beginning of mine.

I didn't know what I needed but I needed something.

Maybe I missed my family, or the two friends I'd actually made in school. Maybe I missed the comfort of my bed. Maybe I missed having a familiar routine. Maybe I just missed being home.

"She wouldn't talk to me," I said to Ashton, after group therapy back in my room. "She wouldn't even stay to talk to you."

"I know," he said gently, trying to stop me from getting worked up. "I'm sure she will do; she just needs some time."

"I hope so."

"I do have some news for you, Jake," Ashton said slowly.

I looked up at him, suddenly filled with nerves for what he was about to say.

"Michael was able to contact your dad, who is here now," Ashton started.

I already wasn't sure how to feel about that. I hadn't seen my dad in several years and I wasn't sure I wanted to.

"But before he arrives I want to talk to you about something we found."

"Is he in here?" The loud voice of my father asked from the other side of the door to my room.

"Mr Harris, wait!" I heard Michael call "Don't go in there yet."

Too late.

The door swung open and there stood my dad.

But behind him was a girl who I had never seen before.

"Jake," my dad grinned widely, his voice obnoxiously loud as always.

"Dad," I greeted quietly.

"Hi," the girl spoke once she noticed my curious gaze, sounding nervous. "I'm Ashley, your sister."

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