Chapter 12

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Still Sunday
"Good morning, Megan," Ashton said as I walked into his office. It was larger than I imagined with nude walls and a soft carpet.

Ashton was sat behind a desk which had two chairs sat opposite. A sofa was placed in one corner with bean bags in the other. There was a wooden coffee table over that side of the room too and cupboards lining the far wall.

"Take a seat for me," he said, smiling and I sat down in one of the chairs opposite his desk. It's was surpassingly comfortable.

"Is Michael not joining us?" He asked and I simply shook my head; I didn't want to talk.

"So I don't want today to be about getting into anything too deep or too personal, if you're not ready for that, but more just you getting a bit more comfortable with talking to me, okay?" Ashton said.

I didn't respond.

He was waiting for an answer but I didn't give one. Calum wasn't here. I said I needed him here.

"Are you finding it hard to be here without Calum?" Ashton asked gently.

I nodded.

"Could you tell me why you want him here? How that makes you feel better?"

I shrugged.

It was hard to explain but something about Calum just made me feel more comfortable. It was probably because he wasn't a psychologist.

Therapy hadn't been so good for me before so maybe I was reluctant to talk to Ashton because if that.

See, I understood my feelings and the reasons for them perfectly well; I did not need to be here.

I could see Ashton's eyes assessing me for a moment, and I met them with my own hard stare, before he signed and leaned back in his chair.

"You're not going to talk to me, are you?" He asked, ever so slight amusement visible in the set of his lips.

I shook my head.

"Ok, he smiled.

Ok? How was that ok?

Ashton was different from any therapist I'd had before and that made me nervous; I didn't know what to expect.

The silent treatment usually made them very frustrated and meant they gave up on me quickly which was my plan.

Ashton, however, did not seem to be like that. But I would find a way to get him to leave me alone.

"If you don't want to talk, how about we do something else?" He suggested. I shrugged, obviously refusing to answer verbally.

"Do you like drawing?" He asked and I nodded. Technically, I was giving him information on what I liked and completely ignoring him would probably get him to give up on me sooner but sitting here for an hour simply staring at a wall would be much too boring for me.

"Great," he smiled, standing up and walking over to one of the cupboards over the other side of the room and taking out paper, pencils and colouring pencils.

He sat down in the floor next to the wooden coffee table, placing the items from the cupboard in the centre.

"Come sit," he said, patting the spot next to him.


She slowly stood up, making her way over to the table, sitting in the space beside me. As she did, I set a piece of paper in front of her, waiting for her to get comfortable before speaking.

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