Chapter 5

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Like hell I was going to see Ashton for a one to one session! I stood up and left the room without saying goodbye, having agreed to the session.

I didn't mean it. I'd get Calum to get me out of it. Or maybe I'd claim fatigue where I couldn't even face getting out of bed.

I walked out the door, turning to go back to my room.

"I thought you were never leaving," a voice spoke from behind me making me jump.

I turned round to see Jake, one of the people from group therapy. The one whose mum had died last night.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you," he said, a smile playing at his lips. "I'm Jake."

"I know," I answered. "I'm Megan."

"I know."

"I'm sorry about your mum," I said after a moment of silence.
"It's nothing for you to be sorry about. Wanna come up to the roof with me?" He asked, immediately changing the subject.

"The roof?" I questioned. We could get onto the roof?

"Yeah. It's nice up there, quiet, and the best part: no doctors."
"Sure," I agreed. It would be nice to be out of the hospital, even if it was on its roof.

Jake turned and began walking off, but I didn't move.

"You coming, Red?" He called, not looking back. I scrambled to catch up to him.

"My name's not Red," I spoke, an edge to my voice.
"I know. But your hair is. Plus you're fiery and I like that, so Red it will be."

I wasn't that against the name but the fact Jake had given it to me. I didn't know Jake, why was he already giving me a nickname?

I followed him down the corridors and up a few flights of stairs until we were at the roof.

The walk had really tired me out.

"So," Jake started as he sat down on a bench. Wait, there were benches on the roof? Why were there benches here? I mean, the view was great but it seemed odd.

"Hello?" I suddenly heard Jake speaking and turned to look at him.
"Sorry, what?" I asked and he laughed.

"I asked how long you've been here?"
"Two days. You?"
"Couple months."

"Why are there benches up here?" I asked as I sat down on one.

"I think it used to be a rooftop garden kind of thing but then they got a new boss or something who didn't want people up here. Don't ask me why," Jake explained.

Oh, that made sense. I wondered why they'd closed it.

We spoke for quite a while and I was actually enjoying myself. It was the first time I had been truly happy since coming here. Jake took my mind off my parents and having cancer and it was good to talk to someone my age.

I didn't have many friends back home so it was a nice change.

I made my way to Megan's room as it was almost time for her chemo.

However I was more than surprised when I got to her room to see she wasn't there.

I checked the bathroom before leaving the room and heading to Ashton's office to see if she was there, or if he knew where she was.

I knocked on the door and heard a "Come in" from Ashton so opened the door.

Megan wasn't there.

"Do you know where Megan is?" I asked "She's not in her room."
"No, sorry, I haven't seen her since group therapy."

"Ok. If you're not busy can you help me look?"
"Of course," he said, standing up.

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