Chapter 22

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I broke my phone so this chapter was written on my laptop. I'm sorry now for any typos and the weird spacing there is likely to be.

Still Thursday

"Are you ready to go?" Michael asked me.

I wasn't really ready for my surgery but I knew I had to have it.

"Yeah," I said after a moment of silence.

Michael sent me a small smile. "Ok, I'm going to go get ready, and a nurse will come and prep you, alright?"

I nodded and he left, a nurse walking in a few moments later. She was lovely, kind and patient probably due to my clear nerves. It felt like only a minute had passed before I was being wheeled towards the operation theatre.

I was laid on the table, nurses and doctors bustling around the room, busy with whatever they were doing. I closed my eyes, trying to drown out everyone around me.

It was ok, everything would be fine. I would be alright.

It wasn't until Michael walked in, dressed in his surgery gown, prepped and ready to start, that I began to freak out.

Fat tears rolled down my cheeks as I sat straight up on the table, looking to Michael's concerned face as he sped up his pace towards me.

"Hey, what's going on?" He asked softly once he'd reached me.

"I don't want to do it," I cried. "I changed my mind, take me back to my room, please."

I didn't notice the silence that had filled the room, now only being filled with the sound of my cries, as much as I was trying to stop them.

"We talked about this, Jake," Michael spoke gently. "I know this is very scary but you need to have this surgery."

"No I don't."

"I want, more than anything, to see you get better and to be able to live the life you deserve but for that to happen I need you to trust me, and I need you to be brave and have this surgery to help you to get better."

With a few more words of encouragement, Michael finally managed to calm me down. My crying had stopped and I was finally ready.

"Alright, Jake, if you could lay back for me," the anaesthetist said. I'd met him earlier and he'd explained how everything was going to go.  He seemed nice, and like he knew what he was doing which was always good. I lay down, shifting up the table until my head was at the top. "Thank you. I'm just going to hold your head now and put this mask over your mouth and nose; take nice deep breaths for me, okay?"

I nodded as I felt him place the mask over my face but I didn't breathe. I didn't want to be unconscious and cut open in front of all these people.

"Breathe, Jake," he reminded me gently. Unable to hold my breath for much longer, I inhaled, albeit short and shallow.

Despite my short breaths, I soon felt the anaesthetic starting to take affect. So I fought it. I tried so hard not to fall asleep, but with Michael calmly reminding me that it was alright, and telling me I could sleep, I finally let my eyes drift closed, darkness overtaking me.


I was sat in my bed , Calum next to me, waiting to hear news from Michael about Jake's surgery.

"Is he ok?" I asked as soon as Michael was through the door, before he got the chance to speak.

"He's fine," Michael said with a small smile. "We had a slight complication so he might not be up to any visits just yet as he is in a bit more discomfort than we were anticipating. But other than that, he is ok."

I let out a sigh of relief. Despite the unwanted news of the complication, I was glad to hear Jake was ok. More than glad actually, joyous, ecstatic.

It was later that afternoon when Michael finally allowed me to go and visit Jake. Calum still didn't like me being alone, or without adult supervision anyway, so he accompanied me despite my protests that it was very unnecessary.

"Megan," Jake smiled as soon as I walked into the room.

"Hey, Jake, how are you doing?" I asked as I walked over to his bed, taking a seat next to it whilst Calum sat in a chair by the door.

"Alright, it's a little sore but not too bad."

"Good. Hopefully we can go get those churros soon then."

"As a date?"

"If that's what you want, yes."

Jake beamed, immediately bringing a smile to my face.

"We never finished our game of twenty questions," Jake said after a moment.

"We didn't. Do you remember whose turn it was?"

"No idea," he chuckled "but you go first."

"Okay..." I thought for a minute "any pets?"

"I had a hamster when I was younger but that's it. You?"

"No, my dad's allergic to pretty much everything."

"Favourite season?"

"Weird question," I laughed "but I guess summer. I like the sun and being outdoors and that. You?"

"Winter. I like the cold."

"You like the cold?" I asked, incredulous.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?"

"Nothing, it's just weird," I laughed again a sn Jake did too.

"I don't like being cold. I like it when it's cold outside and being able to like cosy up under blankets and duvets with movies and cups of hot chocolate."

"Aww, that's cute," I said and Jake rolled his eyes, trying to cover up the blush that had risen to his cheeks.

We finished our game and sat talking until Michael came in and said I had to leave as Jake needed rest. I promised I would come and visit him tomorrow before Calum and I left, heading back to my room.

Even though I wasn't feeling that hungry right now, Calum said I had to eat dinner so after some persuasion I agreed to some pasta and he left to get it for me.

What I wasn't expecting was for him to return with two other people beside him: my parents.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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