Chapter 14

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Calum still wasn't back.

Jake hadn't visited me.

I hadn't spoken to Laura again.

My parents hadn't contacted me.

School had restarted this morning and I already didn't understand the work in front of me.

I was tired.

I was miserable.

I was alone.

And worst of all, I was on my period making all those feelings 100 times worse.

"Good afternoon, Megan," Luke smiled brightly, entering my room.

I glanced up at him before looking down to the bed. I had been sat here for what felt like hours, and possibly had been, just staring at nothing.

"What's up?" He asked, noticing my bad mood and walking over to me.

"Nothing," I mumbled. Everything just felt wrong and I knew it was the hormones making me overly emotional but at the same time I couldn't do anything about it.

It was incredibly frustrating and I just had the overwhelming urge to cry but also to punch something at the same time.

"You'll feel better if you talk about it and maybe if you tell me what's up I can help."

"Since when did you turn into a therapist?" I asked, falling back on the bed and pulling the cover up to my chin.

Luke chuckled. "I just don't like seeing you upset, darling."

"It's just everything. I'm overly emotional because I'm on my period and I just want to be alone but at the same time want to be with other people and I want to cry but I don't, and I feel stupid because I don't understand my school work and Calum isn't back," I ranted, my voice quiet and shaky.

"Slow down, sweetheart," Luke said gently. "I can't do much to help with the hormones but if you're cramping I can get you a heating rag and some painkillers?"

"I don't cramp."

"Ok. I can try to help you understand your school work if you'd like but if you want to just take a break for a couple of days then I'm sure your school would understand. You haven't been here very long after all and you are just starting your treatment which would be disrupting and upsetting to anyone."

"But if I take time off I'll fall further behind," I countered.

"Sweetheart, I don't think taking a couple days off to make sure you're ok is going to make that much difference to your grade. And if you feel behind or like you're struggling then one of us will always help you, alright?"

"I miss Calum," I mumbled, earning a sympathetic smile from Luke.

"You've spoken to him on the phone, haven't you?" He asked.

"Yeah, two days ago. Then someone named Mali showed up and he left immediately so I haven't bothered him since."

"Mali is Calum's sister," Luke explained "She is a dancer and rehearses and tours a lot with her company, so when she is here Calum tries to spend as much time with her as he can."

Well that made sense but he'd still made me feel alone and like he didn't care about me.

"Have you been out of your room today?" Luke asked, changing the subject when I didn't say anything else.

"No," I shook my head.

"Let's go then," Luke smiled, standing up.

"Where?" I asked.

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