Chapter 11

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If you'd like to, please go check out my other book 'Doctor/dentist 5sos imagines' and comment or send me your requests if you have any. ❤️❤️

Still Saturday
I spent the afternoon in bed. I told myself I was feeling tired due to the medicine but really I was just too lazy.

Calum or a nurse came in periodically to take my vitals and check how I was. Each time I told them I was completely fine, and each time I could see the sceptical look on Calum's face.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Calum asked me seriously, sitting down on the side of my bed.

"Yes, I am fine," I said for what felt like the hundredth time that afternoon.

Calum didn't say anything for a minute, probably trying to work out if I was lying.

"Ok. Are you hungry?" He asked.


"Well, you need to eat something but it doesn't have to be right now," he said. "A nurse will come check on you tonight and I expect to hear you have and didn't cause too much trouble," he teased.


"Well I'll leave you to it then," Calum said, standing up. "If you need anything at all press the nurse's button and someone will come straight away."

"Ok, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow, sweetheart," he said as he left.

I picked up my book once he left reading a couple chapter before a nurse came in requesting my order for dinner.

I ate a bowl of macaroni cheese with some peas and sweet corn in it, which was actually surprisingly nice.

Feeling tired, I only finished my chapter before turning off my light and heading to sleep.

I woke up feeling about the same as I did before going to sleep. I was not refreshed or wide awake, in fact I very much wanted to go back to sleep.

But, unfortunately, I needed the toilet, and once I was up and out of bed I knew there was no way I was getting back to sleep, as much as I wanted to.

So instead I turned on the Tv, selecting Grey's Anatomy. I didn't watch it that much because I cried at most episodes but I didn't mind crying now; I'd cried a lot recently so who cared.

I had just reached a part where they were discussing a patient's extremely low chance of survival, I was already crying, when Luke walked in.

"Darling what's wrong?" He asked, immediately coming over to my bed, and sitting down next to it.

"Nothing," I said, pausing the TV.

"Then why are you crying?" He asked, looking very confused.

I laughed and pointed to the TV. Luke looked and laughed too.

"Ah, Grey's Anatomy," he sighed. "I must say I shed my fair share of tears over that show too."

"You've watched it?"

"Yep. Every single episode."

"You want to finish this one with me?" I asked.

"Scooch over," he said, laying down next to me. "What episode are you on?"

"Into you like a train," I told him.

"Oh I remember that one. I won't spoil anything."

By the end of the episode, we were both crying.

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