Chapter 6

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"Hey, Aston, can I talk to you about Megan?" I asked, stood in the doorway to his office.
"Of course. Come in."

I walked in, shutting the door behind me, taking a seat opposite in front of the desk which Ashton was sat behind.

"So what's up?" He asked, setting his papers down.

"Megan said you wanted to have a private session with her," I said.
"I do. Is this Sunday alright?"

"Yeah, anytime really. But what I wanted to ask is if it would be alright if I was there?"
"Why would you need to be there?" Ashton asked confused.

"Megan is very worried about it and she asked me to be there," I explained.

"Are you sure that's the reason?" Ashton asked. "Megan really does not want to go to therapy and it could just be a way of her trying to make it more difficult for us."

"You didn't see her," I said, knowing it wasn't Megan trying to make life harder for us. "She told me she's been to therapy before and it made things worse for her. I know this isn't her trying to get out of it, she's genuinely nervous and worried."

"Well if you really think so then I don't have a problem with you coming to the session," Ashton said. "10 would be good if you've got no other things to do."

"Ok, we'll be here. See you later, Ash," I said as I left the room.


I was checking through Megan's files when I came across something unexpected.

It seemed she had suffered with an eating disorder a few years ago and that was why she had been to therapy.

I felt bad for knowing when she hadn't been ready to tell me but as her doctor I was glad I had found out.

I didn't know what had led to her eating disorder but as a cancer patient, it was very important that she didn't relapse as her body was already under so much stress.

I might have to mention it to Luke.

He's an eating disorder specialist but I didn't particularly want Megan to know that.

I spent the rest of the afternoon doing paperwork which was not the most fun but it had to be done.

I was thankful when I was paged to help Michael on an emergency surgery, happy to set my paperwork aside.

After the surgery, I made my way to Megan's room to say goodnight but she was all ready asleep.

She looked peaceful when she was asleep. I wanted nothing more than to help Megan recover from her cancer. It pained me to see her sick or upset and I knew we were only at the start of a very long journey.

I could only hope she'd be strong enough to make it to the end.

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