Chapter 13

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Still Sunday
I went straight back to my room after therapy, ordering a sandwich as I was feeling hungry.

While waiting for it to arrive, I took out my school books, knowing half term was over tomorrow. I was currently studying biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, English, art and P.E..

I pulled out my biology book, logging onto my laptop and finding the homework assignment my teacher had set over half term. I had had the whole week to do it yet I was only doing it now simply because I was too lazy to do it before.

It wasn't that difficult; I only had to draw the negative feedback loop for thermoregulation in the body. We were doing homeostasis at the moment which I actually found quite interesting.

Just as I was finishing up, Michael walked in, a smile on his face.

"Megan, how are you?" He asked, coming over to the side of my bed.

"Good," I responded with a smile.

"I hope your appointment with Ashton was alright; I'm sorry I couldn't stay."

"It went well, don't worry," I lied, my expression thankfully not faltering.

"That's good to hear. What are you doing?" He asked, nodding towards my work.

"Homeostasis," I told him. "But more specifically thermoregulation."

"Ah I remember leaving about that in school. Any interest in medicine?" He asked.

"No, I don't have the stomach for it," I chuckled, making Michael smile too.

"What do you want to do then?" He asked.

"I'm not sure," I told him. I really hadn't given much thought as to what I wanted to do after high school. I still had another two years before I graduated but still, most people had an idea of what they wanted to do at my age.

"Do you like more creative things, or more sciencey and maths subjects?"

"I like both. I really don't know. I thought about maybe going into something to do with design but then I also would mind taking something like maths and having a job around that."

"Well you still have plenty of time to think about it," Michael smiled. "Calum asked me to give you his number so he can see how you're doing."

"Can't you just tell him?" I asked, wondering if doctors were supposed to give their numbers to their patients. It's seemed very informal and unprofessional though Calum wasn't really like any doctors I'd seen before.

"He wants to hear it from you, insisted actually," Michael rolled his eyes making me laugh.

"Ok," I said. "What's his number?"

Michael read me Calum's number which I typed into my phone, unfortunately not having a picture to add as he contact. I would try and get one soon.

Just then, a nurse walked in with my sandwich.

"Thank you," I smiled, as she passed it to me before leaving.

"I'm going to leave you to eat your sandwich," Michael said, standing up. "Make sure you let Calum know how you are this afternoon."

"Will do," I smiled as he left the room, leaving me by myself.

The quiet was nice but at the same time it made me feel lonely, stuck in this room on my own. So I decided to call Calum.

The phone rang and I put it on speaker, holding it in one hand whilst I held my sandwich in the other.

"Hello?" Calum's voice came through the receiver.

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