Chapter 16

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Double update and fairly long chapter to make up for the lack of updating.

Please keep requesting for my one shot book '5sos doctor/dentist imagines' so I have some to write! I will write 1D ones too if you would like. 💖💖💖

Also there will be swearing in this chapter.

TW - Self harm is spoken about in this chapter. will mark the beginning and end of where it is discussed.

I was finally over my sickness and was able to return to work.

I was excited to get back and especially to see Megan again. According to Michael she hadn't been having the best time.

I was hoping Ashton had been helping her, knowing they had had a session and a group session in the time I had been off.

There was no point asking him about he; I knew he wouldn't tell me.

I arrived at work bright and early, heading straight to Megan's room.

When I reached the door I saw her lying on her side, facing the opposite wall. I could tel she wasn't asleep, based on her breathing and body position.

I knocked lightly on the door.

"Go away, Michael," she grumbled.

"If that's what you want," I said, turning to walk away from her room.

Immediately she sat straight up, her head whipping round to face the me, so fast I was surprised she didn't give herself whiplash.

"Calum," she smiled and tears pricked in her eyes. "You're back."

"I am," I confirmed, smiling as I made my way over to her bed.

Shocking me, Megan threw her arms around me, wrapping me in a tight hug.

I held her in silence for a few moments, rubbing her back, as I felt her cry into me.

"How are you doing? Michael said you've been having a bit of a hard time," I spoke gently.

"I missed you," she cried, not letting go of me.

"Oh, sweetheart, I missed you too."

"You can't be sick ever again."

I chuckled lightly, smiling down at her, not that she could see. "I will do my best."


I spent the whole day with Megan. She was clingy all morning, not wanting me to leave at all.

I managed to convince her to start her school work after breakfast, helping her with the parts that she struggled with.

I made her go to the cafeteria for lunch, wanting to get her out of her room for a bit. We both had a toasted sandwich, mine cheese and tomato, Megan's ham and cheese.

It was around 2 when she finished her work for the day and told me she wanted to go and walk around for a bit.

So I let her go by herself, heading to the cafeteria to grab myself a coffee. It was a bit late for one, I admit, but I loved coffee.

I grabbed a takeaway cup before heading back to Megan's room to wait for her, imagining her walk to be quite short due to how quickly she would grow tired.

But I was more than surprised for her to already be back in her room, her face red as tears streamed down her cheeks. She angrily scribbled something in a piece of paper before shoving it into the draw on the cabinet next to her bed and slamming it shut.

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