I will protect you

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Lily walked in silence to her home, and when she reached her house, Kro was already waiting for her at the door. He was glad to see her.

And while walking secretly next to Kro, Lily even smiled at him once.

And for Kro, that was enough. Seeing Lily smiling was what she thought was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

Even if Lily didn't know it.

When they finally reached Lily's floor and Lily lay down, she asked, peeking out the window, "Kro, why am I Lily?"

Kro smiles to himself and says, "You've always been Lily. From the day I noticed you. "

"What do you mean, I've always been Lily?" Lily asked, frowning.

Kro smiles to himself and continues: "Lilies symbolize femininity, grief, love. And above all purity. "

"But I do not have any of them. Isn't it? "Lily asks, looking at Kro.

"You can't imagine what I saw in you that day. Of course, I was only a 6-year-old boy, but still. Something in me told me that day that I wanted you by my side. "Kro says, moving his hand to Lily.

Lily got up and asked, "Then you saw purity, grief, love, and ... femininity in me."

"These three things? Yes. What about this fourth? Sometimes I still doubt that. "

"But why Black? Why not Gold or Silver? Or White at all? "Lily asks, leaning against the wall.

"Your young delicate body lying in the middle of the rubble would have been like a symbol. To the death of the old city and the beginning of the new city, "explains Kro Lily.

"But how did I survive all these years? We never had food or anything like that. Or was it? "Lily still asks for courage.

"Everyone in this city was prepared for different circumstances and built different shelters or places where food, weapons, books and everything that was considered necessary would be available in case of emergency," Kro replies, looking at Lily seriously.

Then you trained and prepared me ... for that. Who am I now? "Lily asks anxiously at Kro, then asks thoughtfully, biting her lower lip," But how did everyone else survive? "

"Shadow was responsible for that," Kro replies simply.

Lily nods to herself and asks, "But how did you persuade everyone else to follow me?"

"I let Shadow and others follow you while you were walking around town and we were training with you. Or we just talked. And in the end, they chose you because they saw the same potential that I see in you every day. You were chosen, not for me, but for you, Lily. You earned their trust very early on without knowing it. That's what makes you the queen of the city of Wendel. Even if you haven't seen it before. "

"I was chosen?" Asks Lily  while looking at Kro.

Kro nods and says, "You should rest yourself now." Lily nods and then asks, "Will you stay?"

"Yes," says Kro, and when he says that,  Lily falls into Kro's hands and falls asleep peacefully between them, forgetting for a moment everything that bothered her.

Kro looks at Lily with a gentle smile and looks thoughtfully at the starry sky in the window.

He still couldn't imagine that Lily was already 19 and had managed to keep one of the biggest ghost towns alive all this time.

Kro had never regretted Lily's rescue.

He remembered that day clearly. Perhaps too clearly.

 Start of Flashback

It was the last day of the earthquake, and all who had escaped had escaped. And the rescuers walked tirelessly through the dusty streets, searching for the last survivors.

Kro, who had been hiding in the rubble in recent days, had quietly started to move and was moving the concrete buildings rising above him.

The streets were covered with a thick layer of dust, and in some places crushed corpses of some people could be seen, and some rescuers were visible.

Kro turned onto a quieter street and listened. Between the rubble you could hear someone's quiet sniffs and Kro stepped closer and what he saw there.

Behind the pile of stones was a little one-year-old girl with blue eyes and dark brown hair.

Behind the pile of stones was a little one-year-old girl with blue eyes and dark brown hair

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"Hello," Kro says carefully, but the girl carefully pulls away from him.

But Kro stays still and says, "Don't be afraid ..." and the girl looks at him for a moment with a curious look and babbles closer to him.

"Yes, come here," Kro says in a quiet voice.

But Lily stops fluttering when she sees rescuers running towards them and puts her hands in front of her and Kro snatches up to Lily and gently takes Lily in his arms.

"Is she all right? Where did you find her? "Asks the rescuer who knelt at Kro.

But Kro doesn't answer and holds the girl even tighter, and the saviour says, "I could help her. I would find a new family for her. Her life would be normal again. "

But Kro looks at the girl once and says, "No."

"That's not for you to decide little boy. Sorry. "The rescuer apologizes sympathetically.

And as soon as the girl is lifted into the hands of the saviour, she shouts: "Kloo.Kloo."

And the boy looks up and whispers, "It's okay."

"Kloooo!" The girl shouts angrily and begins to shuffle between the rescuer's hands when suddenly the rescuer puts her down and says, "Wait a minute."

But the girl doesn't stay still and she moves in awkward steps towards Klo and Klo runs to her and grabs her hand and they run.

"Hey, stop!" The saviour shouts from a distance, but Kro has already caught Lily in her arms and they are hiding behind the wall of a big house.

"Phew. That was close. "The boy says in a quiet voice.

"Klo?" The little girl says in a quiet voice.

"I'm not a crow, I'm ..." the boy begins to say.

"Klo." The girl announces determinedly.

"Okay, then I'm Kro," the boy says, looking at the girl.

"Klo." Said the girl cheerfully. "

"But what's your name?" Kro asks.

But the girl only says, "Illi."

"Lily?" Kro asks himself.

"Illi," Lily repeats quietly.

"It's a beautiful name. Lily. "Kro mentions to herself.

"Blakk." She adds soon.

"Lily Black? I like it. "Says Kro.

After that, the girl was on Kro's lap and says, "Klo."

Kro smiles and says: "I will protect you, Lily. I promise."

End of Flashback

And then Lily starts to squirm on his knees and Kro whispers, "Shh, Lily. I will protect you. "

At these words, Lily calms down and whispers quietly, "Kro."

And she feels how Kro smiles gently at her and then kisses her gently on the forehead.

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