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"What should I do, Than?" Lily asks anxiously.

Than shrugs and says, "I don't know."

Lily sighs indiscriminately and continues, "But I know one thing. Dusk is good at breaking people. Don't let her reach you at any cost. Because she destroys everything that prevents her. "

"Is there anything else I should know?" Lily asks, looking at her shoes.

Than shakes his head and asks, "How's Ash?"

Lily looks at Than and replies, "I don't know. But probably not well. "

Than whispers quietly, "Show me, maybe I can help you a little."

Lily carefully takes Ash out of under her jacket, and Than takes the trembling crow in her arms and carefully stretches out one wing and says, "He's hurt."

"Will he be well?" Lily asks in a cold voice.

Than nods and carefully places the crow on the table and quietly with tweezers carefully takes a small lens from Ash's eye and says, "The lens is damaged. I'll let Electra see what can be done. "

Lily nods to herself and asks, "What's next?"

"What were your plans, Lily?" Than ash asks, looking at his wing.

Lily sighs and replies, "I had to interrogate her today. But now..."

"Now what?" Than asks the bird without looking.

"Should I do that, Than?" Lily asks.

"Of course," Than replies without hesitation.

"Then I'll handle it myself. Neither of them means shit to me. Otherwise, I would still be with my family and try to keep my brother in control. And probably save myself from my "sister", "says Than.

Lily nods to herself and leans against the table and approaches him cautiously, saying, "Don't worry, Lily. Given the situation, you have dealt very well with it. "

"I'd like to hope," Lily mutters to herself, then walks away and walks to the artistic-looking art hall. The streets are pouring rain and at times the sky is noticeable with flashing lightning bolts and roaring.

When she finally arrives, Lily sits calmly behind the table and asks in a soft voice, "Shall we start?"

Kayla nods fearfully and replies, "Please ask."

"You told me you were killing people for a high price, and that was how you ended up with the Holt family. Which of the Holts wanted your service from you? "Lily asks while trying to sit better.

"As you know, the Holt family had many enemies. Not just outside the family. They were also different and very tangled in the family circle. I hadn't taken into account that I would end up with one of the worst and most paranoid ones, none other than your current prisoner, Lucas Holt, turned out to be. "Kayla continues in a firm voice.

"What did he want from you?" Lily asks, stroking the stones of her ring.

"Lucas Holt was known in the Holt family as a little psychopath. And unfortunately, rumors of his confusing actions answered me. But he had promised me an enormous sum that would have helped me and my brother. He had a strong desire to kill the infamous ghost town ruler Lily Black. And he agreed to give it to me, everything he had. It must have been revenge for all those who have ever defiled him. And although I knew that no one had escaped from you alive, I refused at first. He didn't like it. "

Lily raises her chin slightly and asks, "How did it look like?"

"He tormented me at every opportunity. He fucked me, cut me, broke various bones in my body and manipulated me emotionally and at every opportunity until I agreed. "Kayla replies quietly.

"How did you find Wendel?" Lily asks curiously.

"Lucas Holt has gathered all his life information in his notebook, which I managed to steal from him. His notes and coordinates led me here. And I managed to escape from him. Don't ask how, but I did. My plan was to come and kill you and take your head in return for him. But I had no idea that he could still reach me without his notes. "

Lily nods and asks, "Didn't he trust you?"

"She doesn't trust anyone," Kayla replies.

"How do you know that?" Lily asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Because I spent most of his room where he held most of his meetings to catch you. At every meeting, he killed all those who dared to say anything to him. "

"So he's determined? There is nothing wrong with that. He has his own path and he follows it with the utmost precision, what's wrong with that? "Lily asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Are you kidding ?!" Kayla asks in shock

Lily smiles for a moment and says, "You have to learn to understand the joke, Kayla."

"How can I?" Kayla asks, blinking.

"Kayla, that's just good. Do you know why? "Lily says, drumming her fingers against the table.

Kayla shakes her head and replies, "That means, to put it simply, he's a jerk."

"And how about that more strangely enough?" Kayla asks, leaning against the table.

"Lucas Holt is a grand jerk with a grotesque ego," Lily replies simply.

Kayla nods wordlessly and asks, "But how does that make him a jerk?"

"People who have a bigger ego than the Pacific are also always very confident that all the things they plan and organize work best. So, they are constantly stuck in their own plans and views, and they often don't take into account that just a few wrong movements are enough to trap them, "Lily explains as she walks around the room.

"And how can we use that against him?" Kayla asks, looking at Lily.

"Lucas Holt has only wanted one thing his all life- to kill Lily Black.," says Lily.

Kayla nods to herself and asks, "So?"

"We'll give him that chance," Lily replies simply.

"How would we do that?" Kayla asks, scratching her neck.

"It's easy. There is nothing better than cheating a rogue. In other words, feed the egomaniac with all kinds of exaggerations and praises to heaven. Until, he slips and gets trapped. "Lily answers, looking out the window.


"Are you going to trap Holt in his own trap by making him fall in love with you?" Kayla asks doubtfully.

"No, I'm just going to show the affectionate that she can't get everything she wants," Lily replies, rolling her eyes.

Kayla nods and asks, "What's my part in that?"

"Your job is to get so much information from him to destroy him. And steal enough material for Electra to make it even more efficient. "

Kayla nods again and asks, "Tempting. And what do I get in return? "

Lily raises her eyebrows and asks, "What? Isn't knowing you helped kill Lucas Holt ... That's not enough? "

Kayla shakes her head, "I want to kill him myself. Revenge for everything he did to me. "

Lily sighs for a moment and then asks, "What if I let you almost kill him and kill him myself?"

Kayla sinks in her mind and replies, "It's okay. If he wants to see you dead, it would be wiser for you to kill him. "

Lily smiles quietly and says, "Nice to do business with you, White."

Kayla nods and replies, "Same here."

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