Nothing is ever calm in Wendel

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By the time they finally reached the Wendel border, it was starting to rain in Wendel.

"The walls are definitely slippery," Shadow says, staring at Kro.

Kro shrugs himself and says, "Then they must be."

"And I still need to deal with this woman," Shadow muttered angrily.

"But maybe we would do it right away?" Kro Shadow asks.

Than shakes his head and says, "If we all get there, would you deal with it in an hour? I would need to take the remaining weapons out of the arsenal and I would like to take a breath for a while. "

Kro nods to Than and says, "We're going to take Lucy away with Shadow."

Snake and Kro fly out the door and Scale turns to Shadow and asks, "Do you need a body transport afterwards?"

Shadow looks darkly at Scale and says, "Lily will let you know. But I don't think he wants to get involved in any funeral. "

Scale nods to himself and says, "Tell her I said hi."

But before he gets to look at Shadow, he's already gone and you can hear quiet jumping sounds from behind the wall.

This girl never changes, Scale can think for himself.

Lily sat on her knees crooked at the edge of her window until suddenly she heard someone's foot approaching her, and she carefully took Calla Lily from the side of her boots and placed it in front of her to protect herself, walking seriously toward her floor stairs suddenly seeing someone coming towards her.

"Lily, are you here?" A dark voice asks downstairs, and Lily pulls the wall in fright and presses her knife harder and waits for the person to get up.

When the person reaches his floor, Lily angrily pushes a knife into the person's throat and listens as the blood vessels around the neck start beating faster, and Lily asks in a cold voice, "What are you doing here?"

But suddenly the one lying on the ground gathers his strength and whips Lily away from himself with the force of his legs and asks, "Where is Lily Black?"

Lily, tries to get up in haste and then replies, "Who's asking?"

But then Kro gets up and grabs Lily around his neck and insists, "Her right hand. So I encourage you to work with me. "

Suddenly Lily feels like she's running out of air and screams angrily, "Kro, let go of me! I'm Lily Black. "

But Kro only tightens the grip around the girl's neck and Lily feels tears in her pain running down her cheeks and she shouts, "Please come help someone!"

And probably Lily would have died there like that. Just the way he had ever wanted it. Fighting for his life and enjoying the dark taste of his agony on his tongue

But fortunately this story does not end there.


So, Storm had come close, and he heard Lily's painful cry for help, and he hurried to Lily's floor and shouted in astonishment, "In the name of storms! Kro, let her go ! "

But Kro doesn't even try to relax his grip, and Storm grabs Calla Lily from the ground and whips it exactly on Kro's  back, and Kro falls to his knees in pain, and Lily sinks breathlessly on the floor, and Storm hurries quickly to Lily and asks anxiously, "Are you all right?"

Lily nods breathlessly and then sinks tiredly on  floor, and suddenly Shadow  jumps in through the window and asks, "What's going on here?"

And then he notices Storm, who has kneeled over Lily and the Krod lying on the ground, to whom Storm has thrown Calla Lily on his back.

Storm looks at Shadow and says, "Call Snake. We don't have time to waste. "

Shadow nods and jumps out of the window as a shadow and runs along the walls to Snake and Than.

Nothing is ever calm Wendel, Storm is able to think of herself.

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