I am the Flag and you are my pawn

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People are lying. They lie to hide the dark truth. Lily was convinced of that. Personal experience had once shown him that.

Man lied most of his life. They don't just want to get hurt because it hurts and in some cases it can end very badly.

In a world where Lily obeyed all her townspeople, of course, it made sense.

The girl was surrounded on a daily basis by assassins, famous gang leaders, clan rulers and criminals. And that didn't deter her.

She had learned to adjust the world around him. Of course, it came with a lot of responsibilities, but the salary you received for it was able to make it especially enjoyable.

People who considered themselves the most important in the world fell to their knees just a few moments away, to the girl who was leading one of the most dangerous ghost towns.

And Lily liked it.

Although she was a self-centered, hypocritical, hypocritical, and considered insane girl, she had a purpose from various other people.

And the purpose was so noble to her that it had become her life's task.

But for it to stay that way, she had to be able to defend the city.

But it could not be defended by sitting on the throne alone, as Lily had made clear to herself in the last five days.

But it could not be defended by sitting on the throne alone, as Lily had made clear to herself in the last five days

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And now it was time to act.

So Lily stepped into a dark little collapsible building and stood in front of the assassin and says, "Come with me."

The girl looks at Lily in fright and gets up carefully and moves after Lily.

They walk quietly along the small streets to the large art building and the interrogation hall.

There they sit at the table and Lily adjusts herself better and says, "I need to talk to you."

The girl bites her lower lip gently and then nods in silence and says, "Okay."

Lily looks at him briefly and replies, "Well. Let's start, your name. "

The girl swallows once, but forces herself to continue: "Dusk."

"What about your family name?" Lily asks, watching the girl intently.

"That's my name," she says, her voice trembling.

Lily shakes her head and says, "Lying is wrong, Dusk."

"Call it wrong, but that's my name," the girl replies, waving her hand.

"I do not call it wrong, because I think it is wrong. I say it's wrong because I know it's wrong, "says Lily, looking at the girl.

"What tells you I'm lying?" The girl asks, pushing her hair behind her ear.

Lily places her ringed hands on the table and answers coldly, "Your body language. So it's entirely possible that you're lying about who you are. "

"You are trying to scare me. Isn't that so? "The girl asks, drumming her fingers against the table.

"Why should I scare you when my presence is already frightening you?" Lily asks, waving her hand.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," she says nervously.

Lily shakes her head and replies, "No, you really don't. Your facial expressions are screaming in confusion and fear. But it's nothing. If you weren't afraid of danger, you'd probably be an idiot. "

"So you're a danger?" The girl asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Not yet. But if you don't listen to me, I'll be in danger. "Lily replies, playing with the rings.

"It would be exciting to watch," she says, drumming her fingers against the table.

Lily shakes her head and says, "It's going to be anything but fun."

the girl swallows herself and Lily smiles quietly and says, "..... But if you are willing to work for me, then .... I can think of making an exception. So, every time you lie to me, I cut a small wound in you. The bigger your lie, the bigger your wound. If you tell the truth, I'll spare you it. Understand?"

The girl nods and asks, "What do you want to know?"

Lily smiles secretly and says, "Let's start with your name, Dusk."

The girl sighs once and replies, "My name is not really Dusk. My name is Kayla. Kayla White. Dusk is just the name of my assassin. "

Lily nods and cuts a small wound on the girl's arm, and the girl enters and asks, "What was it for ?!"

Lily smiles for a moment and replies, "Like I said, lies can be punished."

"But I just told you my name," the girl asks in a confused voice.

Lily nods and says, "It was your first hypocrisy, White. I recommend taking it as a life lesson. In Wendel, Lily smiles for a moment and replies, "Like I said, lies can be punished."

"But I just told you my name," the girl asks in a confused voice.

Lily nods and says, "It was your first hypocrisy, White. I recommend taking it as a life lesson. In Wendel, I am the Flag and you are my pawn. ". "

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