The rats

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One kills a man, one is an assassin; one kills millions, one is a conqueror; one kills everybody, one is a god.

Jean Rostand

Lily spins the knife a few more times between her fingers and says, "So your knife is for a killer?"

"This knife was for you," says Than, crossing his arms.

Lily nods and asks, "Are you all right, Than?"

Than shrugs himself and says, "Why shouldn't I?"

Lily nods thoughtfully away for a moment, and Than says, "Kro is worried about you."

"He has always been." Lily says.

"This time he's worried sick. And that black bird never worries, "Than says as he gets closer.

"Lily, you can't let that shit eating pig out there. Otherwise we are all dead. "Than whispers in a serious voice.

Lily sighs to herself and Than throws her a pack and asks, "Do you want a smoke?"

"No." Lily says firmly.

Than shrugs himself and makes an inviting movement towards Lily: "Come on, I'll show you something, black flower. Maybe then you will come back to life. "

Lily looks at him with a questioning look, but still comes with him.

They walk into Than's "office," where the young man turns on the computer screen and says, "Wait a minute."

Lily nods in herself and watches Than appear in front of the computer screen and says, "I had something attached to Ash."

Lily steps closer to the computer screens and asks, "Has she found anything?"

"Ash has done a good job. He has been keeping an eye on this jerk all the time since the invasion. "

"Ash has deserved a bonus, then," Lily mutters.

"Pfft. It gets its reward every day from a local trash can. "Than grumbles indignantly.

"Where's this camera?" Lily asks, placing her hand on the table

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"Where's this camera?" Lily asks, placing her hand on the table.

Than nods thoughtfully and says, "Electra designed an eye lens that could be easily placed in Ash's eyes."

"But it won't last forever?" Lily asks, looking at Than.

"No, of course not. We taught Ash how to moisturize his eyes if necessary. Don't worry, the bird didn't get excited because the camera is made as waterproof as possible. "

"Did you train your secretion to be a crow?" Lily asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Yep. And this guy can get sizzled if he does not do his job properly. Electra placed a small chip between his feathers during training, "adds Than.

"Is he now tamed?" Lily asks for observing cameras.

Than nods, "It helped. He obeys to us now. "

Lily looks back on the screen and asks: "Where is he now?"

Than shrugs and replies, "He should show up soon with new material. I'll let you know when I find something. Until then, you have to rest, black flower. "

"Is there an surveillance device in place for the intruder?" Lily asks before going out the door.

"Yep. Kro put it deep under the skin of his neck. He can't escape us, "says Than, nodding.

Lily nods and leaves Thani base and heads back to the streets of Wendel.

Everything seemed to be quiet when suddenly he hears blood-curdling shepherds and aching and scratching moans every few quarters.

She runs towards the voice and suddenly hears someone jump in front of him and mow him.

But Lily doesn't care and she runs on. A little slower, but still.

Suddenly someone jumps behind her and says, "Now you're mine Lily Black."

But Lily is faster, and she throws a knife into her hand and cuts a deep wound into the attacker's hand, whipping her leg away from her and hurrying in, "Only the children of death speak such a story.

And then she notices a ragged girl in front of her, who starts screaming in panic, and Lily pushes her against the ground and angrily asks, "Who are you ?!"

And then she notices a ragged girl in front of her, who starts screaming in panic, and Lily pushes her against the ground and angrily asks, "Who are you ?!"

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"I can't tell you," the girl replies in a trembling voice.

Lily sighs and says, "Yes, you can. And right now it's your best chance. "

The girl swallows loudly and asks, "What other options do I have?"

"Besides that? A painful death if you don't kneel. "Lily says poisonously.

The girl nods quietly and kneels, and Lily asks, "How did you get here?"

"I can't say," the girl replies quietly.

Lily whips the girl's face and says, "If you don't tell me the truth, you'll be fine."

"Okay, okay." The girl mutters angrily.

"Who are you serving?" Lily asks.

"I do not know his name. But I know I had to find him here. "The girl replies.

"What do you have to do for her?" Lily asks, playing with the rings.

"I had to kill a legend. Lily Black, "she says, trembling.

"Then you screwed up," Lily muttered to herself.

"She's not here? Ah, hell! "The girl mutters in frustration.

Lily feels the rage overcoming her and says, "I'm Lily Black. Welcome to my kingdom. "

"Oh, damn," the girl mutters to herself.

"And since you have threatened me in my kingdom, in the midst of my people, I cannot let you get away with it," Lily says coldly, then looks across the street and whistles. And as if magically, Kro emerges from the dark shadows of the street, and Lily whispers to her, "Get her out of here. And remember, I want to kill her myself. "

Kro nods in response and whips the miserable girl against the wall until she is numb and then takes her away.

And then Lily realizes.

Wendel is no longer safe and the war is about to begin.

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