Storm is coming

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Storm sat thoughtfully at the table, reviewing the latest papers Snake had brought her.

Papers had been one of her best friends all her life. Reading them and filling them out may have seemed to some to be a painful challenge for but Storm..

It was the best environment for her.

Here she was able to dive into her world, descending into sequences of numbers and letters, and into the everyday world of assembling puzzles.

However, this did not mean to her that she was such a quiet and smart and completely polite and patient girl. She, too, hid a great storm of suppressed anger and pain, which she tried to silence with her work.

Nevertheless, she did his job remarkably well and, thanks to her photographic memory, none of the inhabitants of the town of Wendel was able to confuse her with paperwork.

Her memory was in daily work, which she often had to ache in time, but which helped her to forget her rage and pain completely. She was often able to notice even the smallest details that others did not immediately notice.

She often preferred to work alone. But in the meantime, when Snake brought her papers and jumped by to offer the company, Storm was often comforted. At Snake, Storm felt most secure. She didn't know why, but Snake helped her. In its own special way. Nevertheless, they both realized that their relationship as friends should be relegated to the background, as they were primarily a team that was probably responsible for one of the most important parts of the city.

This time a terrible thunderstorm raged outside the city.

And there were more papers than usual today, but that did not deter him.

And before the girl could sit at the table, there was a knock on the door and Storm shouts sleepily, "Come in."

The door opens and Snake steps in and shouts happily, "Morning, Storm."

"Snake!" The girl shouts unhappily and adds numbly: "What a nice surprise ..."

Snake rolls his eyes and replies, "Yeah. Anyway, I brought you some nice papers, Storm. Nothing more. "

Storm opens the cardboard of the paper tied to the knot and asks, frowning, "Again?"

Snake turns to the Storm store and asks, "What is it?"

Storm shakes his head quietly and replies in a soft voice, "Nothing new. For the 25th time, a Holt family is sending us large sums of money. "

"Is that why?" Snake asks, looking at the papers.

"Instead of threatening letters, they have now started sending envelopes with large sums of money, demanding that we give them back their son, Lucas Holt," Storm replies as she read the papers.

"How much have they sent together?" Snake asks, looking at Storm.

"They have already sent us a total of 950,750 euros this week, and in the last two weeks we have already received a total of 75 threatening letters, most of which came to us 10 days 18 hours and 53 minutes ago," Storm replies, putting sheets of paper on the table.

"Most ?!" Snake asks, raising an eyebrow.

"That day I received 35 threatening letters from various family members, 15 of whom wanted us to be their allies to destroy the children of the 3 other great mafia family dynasties and their children, of whom I have had to write a polite refusal message to all of them," says Storm. placing your coffee cup on the table.

"Then we have to kill this boy," Snake replies.

"Who do you think are dealing with the death certificates of these characters? Are you? "Storm asks with a fake smile.

Then Snake is silent and walks away, and Storm says, "I had another idea that could help us win them. It may take a long time, but it is still effective. "

"But?" Snake asks, raising an eyebrow.

"To do that, we all have to have one big meeting together," says Storm, clicking the keys from behind the computer.

"I'll let Shadow and Kro know," Snake says.

"How? Our spy is on sick leave right now, "Storm asks, looking at the screen.

"Ash is recovering quickly. At least according to Than. "Snake answers without worries.

"And the communications systems should be destroyed, but I still haven't received any message from Electra," adds Storm.

"You mean Holt's?" Snake asks, wearing a jacket.

"Mhm." Storm replies, then hits her hands on the table and mutters angrily, "Well, it's bullshit. The computer is broken. Again. And I just had Electra review it recently. "

Snake turns to Storm and says, "If that's the case, it means the city's communications systems are down."

"Oh, crap," Storm muttered angrily.

"We need to warn the townspeople right away," Snake says decisively.

"How?" Storm asks, looking at his papers.

"Do not worry. I have about 20 crows who can pass on our message, "says Snake as a consolation.

"It means a lot of writing," Storm observes thoughtfully.

"Make them first, Storm. The last thing Lily needs is to know that our city is going to war with mafia families and that our resources are in poor condition, "says Snake in a stern voice.

"And your part?" Storm asks anxiously.

"My part was in the box," Snake tells Storm.

"Well. Now go. We have a lot of work to do, "says Storm, placing a stack of papers on the table.

Snake nods and heads back to the rain.

The storm is coming, Storm thinks to herself.


At the same time, Shadow rushes back and forth around the city, muttering to herself, "It's bullshit."

"What's the crap?" Kro asks, jumping behind her.

Shadow flinches and then turns to Kro and says, "Prisoners. They have escaped. "

Suddenly they hear a roar near the fountain and they see Dusk and Lucas standing by it.

They hide behind a wall in a nearby house and listen.

"It's gotten over hands, Dusk!" Lucas shouts angrily.

"You promised me to intervene. Now let me do my job! "Dusk insists.

"It wasn't your job to steal my assets from behind me, Dusk!" Lucas angrily repents.

"Don't worry, my love. This is only temporary. And they are definitely already looking for us. This Lily Black has no chance against us if we work together. "Dusk tries to calmly explain.

Shadow looks at Kro with a startled look, on which he just shrugs.

"You are right. I shouldn't torture you like that, "Lucas says, pressing his lips to the girl's.

"Lucas. Be quieter, someone can hear us. "Dusk whispers breathlessly.

"I do not care. I want you. Here and now, "says Lucas.

Kro looks at Shadow and asks, "Do you know what to do?"

"What about you?" Shadow asks, hiding in the shadows.

Kro nods and flags to the ground floor of the house and takes a knife from his boot and throws it straight over the square, after which Shadow hits the knife towards Lucas' chest, which immediately pierces it and cuts a deep wound in the girl's chest.

Then they both rush to either side of them, and Kro puts a bandage around Lucas' chest wound, and Shadow grabs Dusk and says, "Let's get out of here."

Kro nods and they move to the chains where they reattach them.

"Traitors," Shadow whispers contemptuously, asking, "What are we going to do with this blood?"

"Here. Take my jacket, Shadow. " Kro says and throws his black leather jacket at Shadow.

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