Chapter 1: Telling Everyone

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Man-Whore Neighbor 2

A bakudeku fiction written by SmartyNadiny

All rights reserved to ©SmartyNadiny, 2021

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All rights reserved to ©SmartyNadiny, 2021


No one's perspective

It's been over 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 since the couple started to date; overall, their time spent together after graduating high school was precious. Before going to college, their entire summer break was, in Izuku's eyes, the best experience in his life. On the other hand, Bakugou had finally accepted his feelings for the male and could tell he was fond of the boy. 

"Kachaan! Don't move around so much! It's going to smudge," Izuku yells at the blond squirming in Izuku's beanbag chair. Bakugou was getting his nails painted black by the petite male before him, his nails already painted. 

"It's not my fault you take so damn long! My fucking legs are starting to cramp!" Bakugou replies with a bark, Izuku's eyes looking away from Bakugou's nails to look into his eyes. 

"What have I told you about swearing so much!" Izuku replies, a yell escaping his lips. Bakugou tsk at the boy before rolling his eyes at him, laying his freshly painted nails on his knee as he waits. 

"Whatever," Bakugou finishes the conversation. Izuku sighed loudly before turning his mouth into a sad pout, knowing that Bakugou couldn't handle his cuteness. "Very funny, Deku," 

Izuku didn't say another word. He looked away from the older's gaze and got up from the floor to put his utensils away, heading inside his bathroom to wash his face after being awake since three in the morning. Bakugou scoffed at the boy before waving his hands to the side so the nail polish would dry faster. 

"Oi, Deku!" Bakugou hated the awkward silence. He hates when Izuku gets mad at him and then stops talking to him since it's happened in the past. Izuku could go a day without talking to Bakugou, but the blond couldn't. Even though he doesn't show it, he saddens when the boy doesn't speak to him. "Get your ass over here,"

Izuku does as told and walks out of the restroom, the tip of his bangs dripping water from splashing water multiple times on his face. He slugs his way over to Bakugou and stands in front of him. Bakugou continues to dry his nails off. 

"Sit here," Bakugou points at his lap. Izuku sighs as he plops onto Bakugou's lap, laying his head on the crook of the blond's neck to allow Bakugou to apply his head on the greenette's head. "I'm sorry for swearing,"

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