Chapter 5: Frat House pt. 2

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No one's perspective

As Izuku rushes into the house in the looks of Bakugou, he stumbles upon someone and accidentally falls on top of them. When Izuku opens his eyes, he sees Kaminari's face and immediately relaxes. The two get off of each other and greet one another before Izuku asks him.

"Hey, have you seen Katsuki?" Izuku asks and yells simultaneously because of how loud the music is. Kaminari nodded and pointed at the stairs. 

"He went upstairs with Kirishima and some girl!" Kaminari yells back in response. In a blink of an eye, Izuku swims through the crowd before getting on the steps and opening the first door he saw. Luckily, it was the room Bakugou was in.

"Hey," Bakugou says as he gets up and wraps his arms around the petite male before kissing his lips. Kirishima and the other women get down to business which is making out on the bed.

"Hey," Izuku replies with a smile as he doesn't smell alcohol from the boy's mouth. "I've missed you," The greenette says as he hugs Bakugou tightly. 

"You sure are needy," Bakugou chuckles as he hugs the boy back. 

"Do you mind? I'm trying to have sex here!" Kirishima yells, half-naked, at both males hugging by the door. Bakugou burst out laughing as Izuku apologizes and pulls the blond out of the room. 

The two boys walked into the two rooms away from Kirishima and locked the door. The two lay in bed side by side, in each other's arms. 

"Katsuki," Izuku commences, Bakugou humming in response as his eyes close. "Why haven't you swung by my room lately?" He says in a sad tone.

"Babe, you know we have shit to do, and I don't live at the college," Bakugou replies as he snuggles Izuku closer into his chest. 

"But still. I would've loved to have seen you," Izuku sighs as he snuggles and hugs the koala bear. 

"Look, I don't want to live in those shitty-ass dorms, alright? I like my apartment, and it's not too far away from here, so can we drop the subject?" Bakugou says sternly as he opens his eyes and stares at the boy's green locks. 

"I know your reasonings, Katsuki, but still," Izuku says as he unhooks himself from Bakugou's grasp and looks at him. The blond lays on his back and stares at Izuku. "Wouldn't you love to wake up one morning and see me sleeping in the same room as you?" The boy says with puppy eyes. The eyes Bakugou has a hard time resisting. 

"Ugh, yes, I would like that, but not in the dorms," Bakugou says as he raises his finger to the bridge of his nose, shaking his head with disbelief. "Can't you simply move in with me?" The blond continues. Izuku sighs roughly before sitting on the edge of the bed, unleashing himself from the blond's grip.

"We can't keep having the same conversation, Katsuki," Izuku says as he places both hands on his face, his elbows digging into his legs as he swings his legs back and forth. Bakugou scoffs at the boy's response before turning his legs on the edge of the other side's bed, contemplating what to do.

"I fucking know that..." Bakugou says in a low voice as he falls back onto the bed, staring at the ceiling. Izuku does the same, lying next to him. The two turn their faces to look at each other and sigh in unison as to what to do.

"We are the complete opposites, don't you think?" Izuku says with a small smile across his lips. He turns to look p at the ceiling again, thinking about everything and nothing simultaneously. 

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