Chapter 4: Frat House pt. 1

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No one's perspective

It's been a week since Bakugou and Izuku started college. Lately, they have been getting a lot of assignments, and they barely have enough time to see each other, let's go out together without it being three or four in the morning. 

Around eleven at night, Izuku was sitting on his desk chair doing a late-night assignment. His roommate Shinou was sound asleep, his snoring distracting Izuku every minute. Izuku grabbed his materials and headed to the library to finish his essay for his morning class. As he enters, he is greeted by the librarian with a smile. He smiles at her before taking a seat amongst the many desks. 

He was nearly finishing when someone sat across from him, a chair away. Izuku saw a red-headed girl placing her laptop on the desk. They both exchanged glances before getting back to work. 

Not even minutes later, Izuku sighs with relief as he finishes his assignment for the night. The boy started packing and leaving when the girl stopped him with a whistle. 

"Pst, come here," She says as she points at her computer. Izuku points at himself, asking if she's talking to him, and she nods.

"Can you give me your opinion on this flyer?" She asks as she shows Izuku the colorful flyer. The greenette looks at the color scheme and sees that few colors match.

"The color scheme doesn't match your title or the images," Izuku says as he pulls the chair beside her and sits. "May I?" He asks her as he points at her laptop. She nods and slides it over to Izuku.

"Oh, you're hosting a party tonight?" Izuku asks as he looks away from the computer to look at the redhead. She nods enthusiastically before leaning closer to Izuku to look at the design. 

"Holy shit, this looks way better than mine!" She gasps. The librarian looks at the two and hushes them, making the girl apologize quickly before looking back at Izuku. 

"Anyway, thank you—uh, what's your name?" She asks, sliding her laptop away from Izuku to save the flyer before it gets ruined. 

"Izuku Midoriya, and yours?" Izuku asks kindly as he hurries away from her to leave the chair in its rightful position. 

"Kendo Itsuka, but you can call me Kendo," Kendo says with a smile as she closes the lid of her laptop. The two individuals quietly exit the library before exhaling after whispering their entire conversation.

"Anyway, I wanted to thank you for helping me," Kendo smiles as she hugs her laptop while they walk down the corridor. 

"Anytime, Kendo," Izuku says with a smile. The two reach the stairs, and as Izuku goes down the stairs, Kendo stops. "You're not coming?"

"The women's dorm is the other way," Kendo says as she points the opposite way Izuku is going. He nods with a smile before waving her goodbye.

Once Izuku walks down the stairs and is about to leave the area, Kendo stops him by calling out.

"Hey, Midoriya, you free later today?" Kendo asks the boy, who turns over his shoulder to look at her.

"I think so. Why?"

"Well, the party is tonight at the frat house. You are invited to come if you want to," She says with a bit of pink on her cheekbones. 

"I'll swing by if I have time," Izuku replies before leaving the girl on top of the stairs in awe. She takes her to go and makes it back to her dorm room.

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