Chapter 21: Confronting The Situation pt.2

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No one's perspective

"The dare was to sleep with one of our classmates and..." Bakugou took in the last breath before continuing. "...that person was you,"

There was a bit of silence between them. Izuku was having trouble putting the pinpoints together, while the blond took that opportunity to try and sway Izuku to be with him instead of leaving him.  He grabbed both Izuku's hands and brought them to the center of the table, resting both arms on the table. 

"But fuck the past, right? We love one another, and that's what matters!" Bakugou says with a higher pitch, scaring some families and couples having dinner nearby. "That dare wasn't such a stupid idea because, without it, we wouldn't be here having dinner as a couple—" He says before getting interrupted by Izuku pulling his hands away. 

Izuku looks into Bakugou's eyes and sees how desperate he is to receive a response. The greenette put the pieces together, and he couldn't believe how stupid he was. I can't believe what I'm hearing. I fell for a guy who wasn't even interested in me. The guy I liked was a fake. All he did was play me, get me to fall in love with him so he could use me, and then throw me away just like the rest. I thought I was strong, hard-headed... but I'm just a fool who fell in love: Izuku thought to himself as hatred began to overthrow him. 

"Katsuki," Izuku says as he glares at Bakugou. "I never want to see your face again," He finalizes. Bakugou's eyes widened as he tried to grab Izuku's hands, but he pulled them away from the blond. 

"Izuku, this doesn't have to be the end!" Bakugou yells at Izuku, who's hurrying up to grab his stuff and leave the restaurant. "Don't you dare fucking walk away from me!" He yells, causing Izuku to stop mid-way to the entrance. 

With tears in the corner of his eyes, he looks over his shoulder and at Bakugou. "We're through," Izuku turns forwards and leaves the restaurant, wiping his tears away as he rushes towards his car. 

As he runs and searches for his car keys in his pockets, Bakugou runs after Izuku and yells out his name. The small boy sniffles towards the car before he unlocks it, opening the door and hurrying into the driver's seat. He locks the car that way; Bakugou can't open the doors. The blond bangs on the windshield, wanting to talk to him some more, but Izuku couldn't face him. How could he? After what he did to him.  He didn't want to see Bakugou; he was deceived but primarily disappointed in himself.  

"Izuku, get out of the car!" Bakugou yells at Izuku, who's baking out of the parking lot with tears in his eyes. "Get out of the fucking car right now!" He continues to bang on the car as it drives away, causing the blond to chase after him. 

Izuku saw in his rearview mirror that Bakugou had stopped running after him with a desperate look on his face. Izuku tore his eyes from the rear mirror and caught the green light, running away from Bakugou's reach. And then, the boy began to cry; Izuku balled his eyes out as he continued to drive anyway. He needed to talk to someone, anyone. So, he proceeded to grab his phone from inside his pocket, but from how fast he was going and his unstable hands, the phone slipped out of his grip and landed on the foot of the co-pilot's seat. 

Izuku grunts at himself as he attempts to reach for his phone, but slowly, he loses control of the wheel. He then looks up at the windshield, feels the car leaning in another direction, and sees the red light, causing him to step on the brakes. But it was too late. Izuku's car wasn't stopping, and the oncoming traffic hit him, making Izuku's car flip around five times until landing in a ravine where his vehicle landed upside down. 

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