Chapter 39: Getting Ready for the Party

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No one's perspective

After Izuku drove straight to campus after his little get-together with Ausi, he decided to take the rest of the day to think about everything that had happened to him in the last two years. Izuku was unbelievably impressed by how much shit and emotions he's been through with meeting Bakugou and getting together; he was amazed. 

Once parking his car, Izuku walked through the main hall of the campus and led himself into the lounge room. Luckily, there weren't many students there. He mouthed a greeting towards the janitor, left the room, and took a scan around the room to find an empty lounge chair by a bookshelf. 

"This should be good," Izuku mutter to himself as he lays down his ass onto the chair and gets in a comfortable position. He then takes out his earbuds and puts them into his ears to listen to his favorite Korean band, BTS.

"And you gonna be happy~," Izuku sings before turning off his phone and sliding it into the hoodie's pocket. The boy lets out a long sigh before closing his eyes and entering the part of his mind that has been locked out for this particular moment. 

Meanwhile, Izuku reflected on his past and future plans; Mina strolled along the corridor to find Izuku's and Shinsou's shared dorm. When she made the turn, she curved a smile to her lips when seeing the door number. Mina knocks on the door twice before allowing Shinsou to answer the door. 

"Oh, hey Mina," Says Shinsou, who has bed hair and dried drool in the corner of his mouth. "What's up?" He asks while moving to the side to allow her to enter. 

"Nothing much. I just needed to ask you for a favor," Mina gets straight to the point and helps herself by taking a seat at Shinsou's desk. 

"Favor? Mina, we're not friends," Shinsou states. He shuffles towards the restroom and leaves the door open to hear Mina ask him about the favor. Mina was disgusted by Shinsou's peeing. 

"Um, gross—AnywayI need you to get Sero out of jail," Mina says bluntly. Shinsou zips up and walks over to the sink to wash his hands; he peeps out of the bathroom frame with his eyebrow raised. 

"And why would I do that? Sero and I aren't even friends," Shinsou wonders before pulling his head back into the restroom to dry his hands and look at his crusty face. 

"Exactly. I can't let Bakugou or Midoriya find out that one of our friends let him out; they'll ask questions..." Mina says worldly; she brings his thumb to her mouth to bite on it subconsciously. 

"What's in it for me?" Shinsou says while stepping back into the room with his arms crossed. "It needs to be good for me even to consider helping your ass out," he says. Mina nods before pulling out her phone and showing a folder of Kaminari. 

"Look, I stan KiriKami more than ShinKami, but if you are willing to comply, I'll send you some very extroverted versions of Kaminari," Mina suggests. She waves the phone in front of Shinsou's eyes to make it harder for him to resist, but she is caught by surprise. 

"To think that you'd go this far to get Sero out of jail by selling out one of your best friends..." Shinsou scoffs before snatching the phone out of Mina's hands while her brain is still processing the statement the purple head gave. "How much lower can you get?" 

Shinsou sent the files to his phone and threw the phone back to Mina. "Anyway, you got yourself a deal, little missy," He says with a cheeky smirk. "Now, get the hell out of my room," 

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