Chapter 44: Their Moment

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No one's perspective

Izuku grabs his latte from the counter and starts to sweat; his heart stops. After many years of not seeing Bakugou, Izuku thought that he wouldn't be this alarmed once he got the chance to see him. Oh boy, he was wrong. 

Izuku turns around and meets Bakugou's eyes; his heart beats like the first time. He approaches the table, sets his coffee, and sits next to Sero before looking away. Kirishima pulls out a chair for Bakugou, and now both individuals are side-by-side. 

"Bakubro, Midoriya! It's been years! how are you guys?" Kirishima says after clearing his throat. He sensed the tension between the two and took the initiative to begin the conversation between the lads. 

"I'm doing great, honestly. I only came by to get a quick snack before heading home to Lucy," Izuku says with a bittersweet tone. Bakugou looks over at the green head and raises a brow at the mention of a female name. 

"Lucy? Who's Lucy, your girlfriend?" Kaminari teases the boy to see his reaction. Izuku rolls his eyes and chuckles after taking a sip from his coffee. 

"Heh, no. Lucy is my french bulldog; she is waiting for me," Izuku says with a smile. Bakugou's face relaxes after knowing Izuku isn't dating anyone, or so he thinks. 

"I'm good too. Just...came by to see you fuckers before returning to work," Bakugou mentions. He clears his throat after looking at his watch, adding to his statement. "I have about an hour to kill," 

"Where do you work?" Sero inquires a question the blond. 

"Oh, at a car company ten miles from here," Bakugou replies while pointing west from where their sitting, causing Izuku to look at the motion the blond made instinctively. 

Izuku's eyes widened, and his face lit up once noticing Bakugou's built and defined arms. He looks away rather quicker than excepted, causing almost everyone to look at Izuku with a questionable face. 

"A-anyway, what about you guys. What have you been up to?" Izuku says to break his somewhat awkward character; Kirishima and Sero shrug slightly to each other. 

"We work at the same company, and Sero, well, he's being him: a useless nobody," Kirishima says with a hint of laughter. Sero's face shows anger and makes both Kaminari and Kirishima laugh. 

As the three boys are laughing and arguing, Bakugou leans over to Izuku, whose eyes are busy on the three males before him, and whispers: "Can we talk outside for a bit?" Izuku jumps a little from Bakugou's approach and follows him with his eyes. 

Bakugou pulls away and gets up from his seat, walking over to the door and exiting the building without the three males noticing; they were too busy bickering at each other. As he gets up and walks outside, he sees Bakugou looking over at the freshly cut lawn next to them before he felt Izuku's presence. 

"Hey," Izuku initiated. 

Bakugou replies with a hinted smile. "How are you?"

"Heh, I could be better,"

"You could be doing a lot worse, too," Bakugou replies, causing Izuku to chuckle and look down at his feet.

"Yeah...that's true," Izuku replies with a bit of blush on his cheeks. 

The two males stand next to each other in silence, too much awkwardness between them to hold a conversation with eyes glued to one another. Faith brought them back together without warning, and neither knew how to react or be prepared. 

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