Chapter 42: Someone's Getting Caught

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No one's perspective

Bakugou had had enough of Shinsou's bullshit. Ever since he and Izuku became friends, he's felt this sort of weird aura from Shinsou, but because he could care less about him, Bakugou never looked into it anymore. But no matter how many situations came where Shinsou cared so much about Izuku, he never thought he'd be obsessed with Izuku. Not until what happened between Izuku and Shinsou. 

Bakugou began sprinting on the sidewalk to get to the dorms. He knew Shinsou wouldn't go to the party because he'd try to do something to Izuku. Bakugou was confident. So confident that when he was only two blocks away from the campus, he sent a text to Izuku saying:

blaslyboy69: no matter what you do, don't let raccoon eyes in the dorms.

blaslyboy69: Trust me, don't let him in nor associate with him. 

Even if they had just broken up, Bakugou stilled cared and wanted to protect Izuku...even if they weren't together anymore. Arriving at the campus, Bakugou checked his phone to see if Izuku had read the messages, only to find out he didn't, which worried the blond even more. That son of a bitch better not touch Deku, or else I'll kick his ass some more plus after what he did to Tape-face. Bakugou thinks to himself as he enters the campus grounds and rushes over to Izuku's dorm. 

Once before the door, Bakugou bangs his fist harshly on the wooden door with nervousness and anxiety, knowing that no one was home. When he least expected anyone to be in, the doorknob twists open and reveals a sleepy Izuku rubbing his eyelids as his mouth widens to let a yawn escape his edges. 

"B-Bakugou?" Izuku says after a yawn. He slowly opens his eyes, and without blinking, Bakugou pulls the boy into the room and locks the door. "What are you doing...?"

"The fucking bastard. I should have trusted my damn instincts from the fucking start," Bakugou mumbles to himself as he bursts the bathroom door open and slams the shower curtains to the wall searching for the purple-headed male. 

"Bakugou!" Izuku finally gets a hold of Bakugou, who soon stops at the mention of his name. The blond close the wardrobe doors and walks over to Izuku. "Is everything okay? I've called your name five times!" 

"Where is he?!" Bakugou yells at Izuku. 


"Raccoon eyes!"


"Yes, goddamnit!" Bakugou yells out of frustration. 

"I don't know; I haven't seen him..." Izuku replies. He starts dragging his feet toward his bed and eyes the clock. "Bakugou, it's three in the freaking morning. Are you kidding me?" 

"He fucking lied to us, Deku," Bakugou brings up. "Sero wasn't the unknown caller; It was shit-face Shinsou," The blond reveals as he slaps his sides with his arms after having them in the air. 


"That was all an act," Bakugou interrupts the petite. "Sero doesn't like me, nor did he tell us the truth. He was doing it because Shinsou was going to hurt him, in more ways than one,"

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