Chapter 16: Day Of The Dare

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No one's perspective

Flashback to high school

It was five in the afternoon. Class 1A was coming back from one of their many school trips. Bakugou, who wasn't paying attention to Izuku, came across the boys' green eyes from two seats before him. The blond instantly looked away with a scoff leading to his edges. Izuku shrugged his shoulders and looked forward again. 

Why was the stupid nerd looking at me? Was he trying to find another insult to talk back to me? Why the fuck am I even thinking about him? Jesus...Bakugou feels as he looks out the window while sitting beside his best friend. 

After the bus comes to a complete stop, instead of heading back to his apartment, Kirishima pulls on Bakugou's arm and drags him over to the side where the guys and Mina stand. The blond raised his brow to mix in with his bangs with confusion. 

"Bakubro, want to join us? We are going to try and sneak into the club!" Kirishima snickers with Mina and Sero after Kaminari does a happy dance. Bakugou smirks at the idea and nods in agreement. 

"Fuck yeah! Let's get wasted," Bakugou cheers as he drags his friends to Kaminari's car and prepares to head out. 

As Aizawa said goodbye to their students before heading into the building, Izuku waved goodbye at his teacher and noticed Bakugou. He sees him and some of his friends get into a car and drive off. He questioned it at first but was interrupted before he could answer by Iida and the rest. Izuku smiles at them as he makes his way to them. 

Meanwhile, Izuku and his friends head to the diner for a juicy burger, the Baku-squad parks in the club's parking lot. The five of them jump out of the car, lock it, and stroll over to the entrance. The security guard looks over his shoulder and sees friends approaching him, eventually standing before him.

"Hello there! Five of us—"

"Show me your identification," The guard cuts Kaminari off. Remember that the boys are eighteen, and only twenty-one years old and above are granted inside. 

"Here you go," Kirishima shows him his fake Id, Mina, and Sero. The guard reads through their IDs and grants passage. When Bakugou walks up to him, the guard automatically lets him through.

"Sorry, kid, you aren't allowed inside," The guard stops Kaminari from entering. 

"If it's okay with you, sir, I'm his brother," Sero says as he grabs Kaminari's hand and pulls him towards him. "We promise not to let him drink," 

The guard was hesitant at first. He knew his job was to secure all people coming inside who were over the age of the requirement, but as there weren't many people inside, he let it slide—the guard gestured entry to all five to allow them to enter, closing the door afterward. 

"I can't believe that worked!" Mina yells with excitement. She jumps up in the air with the relief of passing.

"Do I look like a kid? Come on, man!" Kaminari whines at his friends, making them laugh. They make their way over to the bar and order some drinks. 

   A few hours later

Bakugou finally returned to his drunken friends with a nasty smirk glued to his edges. He sits next to a passed-out Mina and pulls out his phone, looking through all the sex pictures he took while hooking up with many girls. The blond couldn't help but feel his ego starting to rise. 

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