Chapter 18: Big Mistake

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No one's perspective

"We need to talk," Bakugou says as he pulls his hand from Todoroki's mouth. The boy glares at the blond before pushing him away. 

"I knew you were still a shitty person," Todoroki comments, leading to a scoff. "I guess some people never change," He reaffirms as his glare darkens. Bakugou growls at his initiation of a glimmer but refrains from fighting. 

"Give the phone up, bastard," Bakugou ignores Todoroki's comment by reaching out for the phone. The boy protects his front pocket with his hand before he speaks again.

"And why should I? So you can delete it and keep lying to my best friend?" Todoroki says as he walks back to Izuku's room before feeling a force pull him back, then instantly against the wall again. 

"Look, icy-hot," Bakugou growls as he gets his face closer to Todoroki's, almost touching noses. "If you don't want to play the easy way, then have it the hard way," The blond states as he knees Todoroki in the balls, causing the boy to hiccup from the pain. 

"I'll endure the pain if it means Izuku can know the truth about what an asshole you are!" Todoroki yells before receiving a slap across the face. The boy before Bakugou coughs while turning back to look up at him. 

"You son of a bitch!" Bakugou barks. He then forms a fist and punches Todoroki in the groin, causing a commotion. Todoroki looks around him and notices the crowd but says nothing so that when Bakugou sees it, it will be too late.

"Call me whatever you want; I'm still not giving you the phone," Todoroki responds. Another wack is heard as Bakugou lands another punch in Todoroki's face. 

Bakugou decides to grab him by the collar and use his free hand to land another punch, but he is stopped by a familiar voice calling out to him. 

"Katsuki, stop!" Izuku yells as he intervenes. He grabs Bakugou's hand, gripping Todoroki's collar, and tosses it. The petite grabs Todoroki and sees the blood running down his chin from his nose.

"Why the hell did you hit Todoroki!?" Izuku asks with a fierce glare in his eyes. Bakugou stays silent for a moment. He takes a moment to look around him and finds himself surrounded by kids with cell phones. 

"Answer me, damn it!" Izuku yells once more. He throws Todoroki's arm around his neck and gets up from the floor. Izuku looks at Bakugou, waiting for a response, and when he doesn't receive one, he leaves. 

"Izuku..." Bakugou says in a low tone, making Izuku stop midway to his room. He looks over his shoulder and says nothing as he awaits Bakugou's response. "...I'm sorry,"

"Sorry, it doesn't cut it this time," Izuku says coldly. He looks forward again and reaches Shinsou holding the door open. Shinsou's eyes lock with Bakugou's as disappointment shows in his eyes when he walks in. 

Bakugou raised his hand to reach out for his boyfriend but retracted it immediately. The blond looks around him and scares the students away with anger. As they leave, Bakugou looks down at his knuckles and sees the blood dripping slowly; he turns on his heels and heads to the closest bathroom. 

As he enters, he lays his hands on the edge of the sink and lowers his head, embarrassed to see himself. Eventually, Bakugou looks up at himself and watches a monster. The same monster he was back in high school. He sighs before turning the knob on and washing the blood away from his knuckles. 

You are pathetic, and you are a disappointment to your family. You can't even find the courage to tell the boy you like... that you might even love the truth. How can I even look at him now? After hurting his best friend?... I'm a screw-up, huh? Bakugou thinks to himself as he stares at himself in the mirror, his edges beginning to curve into an evil smile. The blond starts to laugh evilly at himself in the mirror, watching how the tears run down his face and how his hands grip his locks of hair with anger. 

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