Chapter 38: Another Day

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No one's perspective

After Kirishima allows Bakugou into the apartment, Kaminari pauses the tv and gets up from the couch to meet the two individuals by the kitchen. Once the blond settles down the fried chicken and set of movies, he sighs loudly with worriedness when he remembers Sero. 

"Bakubro, it's good to see you! We haven't seen each other in a while..." The redhead starts the conversation with a smile. Bakugou looks up to his friend, who grabs the bucket and takes it over to the coffee table in the small living room. 

"Don't get damn sappy on me. We saw each other like a week ago," Bakugou snickers as he re-adjusts his position. He finds Kaminari looking at him with worry, causing Bakugou to jump at him, lock his arm around the boy's neck, and rub his knuckles against Kaminari's hairline. 

"Bakugou, stop it! It burns!" Kaminari pleads for mercy. Bakugou chuckles before releasing himself from the other blond, who jumps back and throws fake punches in Bakugou's direction. 

Bakugou reaches over the counter to grab the movies before speaking. "I need a break from all the shitty drama. That's why I came over, " He comments after taking a seat on the couch; Kaminari sits next to him and lays his head on the blond's shoulder. 

"Well, you know you're always welcome," Kirishima says as he switches the tv to an HDMI setting to go into his smart tv section. "So, what are we watching?" He asks while toying with the controller. 

"Oh! Let's watch Turning Red!" Kaminari says with big eyes that have glitter in them from excitement. Before anyone could question the movie, he continued. "It's a new animated movie; It's about a girl who turns into a red panda when she gets too excited!" 

"You're fucking with us, right?" Bakugou pulls away so Kaminari could pull away from the blond's shoulder and look at them. 

"What? It's a good ass movie!" The urine hair boy says as he starts to defend the movie like it's his lifelong work. 

"I swear..." Bakugou expresses with disbelief as he puts his fingers on the bridge of his nose, slowly moving his head side to side. 

"Kami, that movie sounds AWESOME!" Kirishima says with the same type of eyes as Kaminari's, causing Bakugou to bring his head up and stare at both males with a look are you kidding me?'. The two individuals bring down their faces and create a pout onto their lips, trying to make Bakugou feel guilty. 

"I can't believe my dumbass friends want to watch a children's movie instead of a horror film..." Bakugou sighs with a growl attached to it before lying back on the couch and staring at the monitor. "Whatever, I'm going to the can," He says as he pushes himself up from the couch and heads to the restroom. 

While Bakugou locked himself in the restroom to do his business and questioned his friend's utilities, Kirishima and Kaminari sighed in unison before talking to one another. 

"Should we tell him?" Kaminari asks Kirishima, who looks into the hallway and sees the restroom door closed; he walks over to his friend and sits next to him to whisper. 

"About Sero or the party on Friday?" Kirishima whispers at the blond. 

"Sero," Kaminari states. The redhead looks away from the individual and looks forward. He thinks about how to bring his life-long best friend into the conversation without making it awkward. 

"Well, I'm not sure. But we should tell him soon," Kirishima tells Kaminari, but his eyes widened, and his expression tensed slightly. 

"Tell me what soon?" Bakugou jumps into the conversation. Kirishima looks behind him slowly and looks up at Bakugou, whose expression changed. 

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