Chapter 1

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The green leaves outside have turned to a fire tinge of color, my favourite season, Autumn.

People say Autumn is the time of year where all trees leaves die and that it's a depressing season. But not for me, Autumn is a gorgeous time for leaves to soon reblossom into something new, something... Different.

I have never once had someone share the same opinion as me yet...


Through the tinted glass I see my beloved trees the color of amber as they pass by. My Mum asks while driving "Are you alright?" I nod and say "Yeah I'm fine".

Our car pulls up to Daikoku Private Academy, I open the door and say "Thank you Mum, I'll see you tonight" I grab my bag and shut the door.

My Mother opens the window and says excitedly "I'm going to be teaching the babies next door of this academy! They are so cute!"

I say "It's kindergarten I doubt it will be hard, have a nice day" she replies with a smile "See you tonight dear" and drives off.

I step one foot in the school and see thousands of students, few pushing past eachother, relaxing, or running.


I take a seat in English and dig into my bag for my pencil case, in my line of vision a pair of brown shoes make their way in front of me.

A male voice says "Hey Y/n? I heard your Mother is teaching the kids next door".

I look up and see Light, suprising, he never talks to me unless it's for stationary.

I say still digging through my bag my voice a bit strained "Yeah, she is" I sit up with my pencil case and book.

Light gives me a bright smile and says "Well done for her, it was nice talking to you Y/n".

He sits behind me and I shake it off from the talk, writing notes in my book.

I finish my work in minutes and bring it up to my teacher walking past desks.

She asks "Is everything okay
Y/n?" I nod and hand her my work, she smiles and says "You have caught up quite fast, I will get you started on film study tomorrow okay".

I nod and ask "What do I do now?" She replies "Oh you can just sit there until the bell goes it won't take long".

I nod again and walk back to my desk sitting down.


~{Light's POV}~
I watch as Y/n sits back down and I ask curiously "Y/n, have you finished already?"

Y/n turns around in her seat and says "Yeah I did, why?" I ask "What are we doing tomorrow did you happen to hear?" She replies "Film study, I don't know what film though".

I nod and say "Okay thank you".

She turns back around and I look out the window playing with my pen, then to my surprise a black book falls from the sky.

My eyes slowly widen as the book slowly makes contact with the grass below.


I head home with the book in my bag, I open the door to my house and my sister greets me with an excited attitude.

I say with a smile "I'm tired Sayu, I am going to head upstairs".

My sister says with a pout "But dinner is ready if you don't eat it you will starve to death".

I reply "I will get some food later if I'm hungry".

Sayu runs down the hall and shouts "Muuuuum! Light is trying to starve himself!"

I walk upstairs and close my bedroom door sitting at my desk bringing out the book, I say to myself reading the title "Death Note..."


~{Y/n's POV}~
I sit with my parents at dinner and eat (favourite food), when I'm done I thank my Mother and Father walking to my room.

I open the door and lay down on my bed pulling out my phone, I open YouTube and right as I click the first video a commercial of Misa shows up.

I say to myself "Dude, I don't care about your makeup I want to watch videos!"

I accidently drop my phone on my face, I sigh, I pick it off my face and think 'I guess that's karma'.

I sit up and get ready for bed, when I walk back into my room I see my phone lit up playing the news.

I curiously watch the news when I hear the nagging words from the back of my mind 'What is so urgent tonight?'

The news reporter talks about a criminal who suddenly collapsed during a robbery and died of a heart attack.

I think picking up my phone 'Maybe it was this guy's time? Some criminals have an unhealthy lifestyle, maybe that's why'.

I put my phone away and lay in bed, thinking 'I suppose it is karma after all'.

Light x Reader《DEATH NOTE》Where stories live. Discover now