Chapter 22

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Ryuzaki flicks my forehead and says "I just want you to shut up for a second", I ask "What for?" He replies "I'm tired and I want quiet".

I say crossing my arms "Then go home" He cuts in "I have to work".

My brain has a mental break down to the point I freeze up, I say "You know what, I don't understand, bye!"

I walk away.

{Misa's POV}
I see Light about to walk out of the building at the end of the day.

Y/n has already walked out but she said if I caught Light alone I should try to romance him.

I catch up to him but as soon as I walk outside I see Light taking Y/n's hand talking to her in which I cannot hear.

Then they start walking together, Light is so relaxed where as Y/n looks like she wants to run away.

Is stare at the two with mixed emotions, his hand is firm on hers, while hers is loose.

{Y/n's POV}
Light catches up to me outside as I'm trying to walk home, he grabs my hand and says "Mind if I walk with you?"

I look at him with horror and say "No I'm good" he says "Too bad Y/n, let's go my dear".

I do try and attempt to pull away but he keeps a firm grip on my hand.

'Shit! Get away Light! You're Misa's problem!'

I struggle to walk with him, Light says staring forward "Are you trying to get out of this

I say in my defense "Misa really loves you, you shouldn't ignore her".

He says bluntly "I dislike it when people don't cooperate, it makes everything more difficult".

I ask "What's so important that you need me involved?" I try to fight his grasp.

I notice a familiar book in his belt, I grab the book with my fingertip then pull it out of his pants.

He accidently let's me go, I fall onto the ice and hold the book closely.

I look at the book and see it's another Death Note with odd writing on the cover.

I look up at Light who towers over me with a glare, I say "This book is turning you insane isn't it?"

He takes a step forward and outstretches his hand, he says "Give it back".

I shake my head and he gets down on his knees and tries to grab it from me, I hold it away from him, Light pushes me down and leans over me trying to grab it.

I grab his shoulder to make sure he doesn't move, I throw the book and push Light onto his back holding him down.

I say "What the fuck is wrong with you Light!?" I grab his hands and force them down, he glares daggers into me.

I say "You were fine until you got your hands onto that book, now you are a monster".

Light shifts a bit and says "I'm creating the perfect world, however you are serving as a threat right now".

I growl "You're not my fucking boss!" I punch his eye, he grunts and closes his eyes tightly.

He grabs my hair and yanks it hard, he snaps "I need you for this fucking plan! You will do as I say!"

The ice we sit on starts to crack, but we are both too involved in anger to realize we are on a frozen lake.

I snap back "You never needed anyone! You only rely on yourself you selfish bastard!"

Light yanks of my hair harder, he says "I adore you, but you're ruining everything! I need you so I can finally have the perfect world with the woman I've been trying to catch!"

I finally notice the ice and I stare at the blue water underneath waiting to greet me.

Light catches me off guard and shoves me under him, he holds me down, he chuckles and says "You keep refusing me, tossing me aside it's annoying! It is even more revolting when you gaze at other men in such a passionate way".

I stutter "L-Light! We need to move!" Light looks at me oddly then notices the ice cracking.

His eyes widen like a terrified cartoon character, the ice gives way and we both plummet into the freezing water.

{Light's POV}
I open my eyes under water and see my Death Note, I grab it and resurface with a laugh.

I swim to the bit of ice that hasn't broken off and sit on it, I stare at my book in my hands and check the pages, I find Y/n hasn't resurfaced yet.

{Y/n's POV}
I continue to sink to see if Light still has a heart at all.

When he doesn't arrive I start swimming around the dark abyss curiously.

I get a fright when I see an eel, it swims past me minding it's own buisness.

I swim deeper wondering how far it is to the bottom, how long it will be till I reach the end, then I start to wonder what will Light do to me if I resurface.

I have fallen into deep thought of all the possibilities then I remember the textures of my food back at the academy.

It was my way of taking my mind of things, thinking of texture.

until hands grab my hips.

I cover my mouth preventing me from yelping, I find it's Light staring at me underwater.

He hugs me gently and rests his chin on my shoulder from behind, not smiling, his hair covering his eyes as if he feels guilty.

I notice a golden amber leaf sink before my eyes, Autumn...

I remember what I used to think:

'Autumn is a gorgeous time for leaves to soon reblossom into something new, something... Different.'

I look at Light and wonder 'Will he ever change in my eyes?'

I take his face in my hand and kiss his lips, he shares his oxygen with me then we resurface.

Light x Reader《DEATH NOTE》Where stories live. Discover now