Chapter 15

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I play out the poor stressed boy who admits to be Kira and in minutes my mind goes blank.

The memories of the Death Note slowly fade and I sit there confused.

I say "What's going on?" Y/n replies "I think I'm the one who should be asking you went insane".

《L's POV》
I stare at the screen in silence.

Days go by and I create a plan to release the people I have in custody.

I ask Mr Yagami to go and collect them for a plan I'm creating to see if either of them have connection to Kira.
《Y/n's POV》
Mr Yagami arrives and opens my cell, I ask "What's going on?" Still I stand in the cell.

Mr Yagami replies "Just follow me Y/n".

I follow Mr Yagami cautiously, I look into Light's cell and see he's not there.

'What happened to him? He was himself a few days ago then suddenly it was like he switched and now he isn't even here'.

Mr Yagami leads me to a black car outside of the police station, I ask "What about Ryuzaki? Does he know of this?"

Mr Yagami nods, he opens the door for me and I see Misa and Light inside the back waiting for me.

I squeeze into the car while Mr Yagami goes to the drivers seat.

He starts driving. I ask Light "What is this about?" He replies in a whisper "I don't know..."

Traffic lights during the night flash by the windows of the vehicle.

I examine Light from the corner of my eye and see he has his past innocent vibe and demeanor.

He defiantly isn't who he was a few days ago.

Light asks his Dad "What is going on? Where are we going?"

Misa nods waiting for an answer.

Mr Yagami suddenly park's under a bridge and says "You three have been sentenced to death but I thought maybe I should take you out myself so you don't have to bear the wait".

Mr Yagami struggles and pulls out a gun, my eyes widen slowly, Light and Misa scream and shout for him to stop.

I stare at Mr Yagami and say "Ryuzaki told you to do this?" Mr Yagami nods and says "I'm so sorry Y/n I know how much you like him".

I cover my head and look at the floor, Light looks at me during the tension and screaming in the air.

He grabs me and hugs me tightly hiding my face from his Dad.

I grip Light's white shirt my mind blank and unable to say anything in why he's going so.

Misa tries to get out of the car while screaming, Light keeps shouting trying to convince his Dad to stop.

When the gun clicks I gasp and grip Light tighter in fright.

《Ryuzaki's POV》
I watch as Light hugs Y/n protectively and shouts for Mr Yagami to stop.

Matsuda stares at the screen with his jaw dropped and says "Did Light protect Y/n instead of Misa just then?"

I say biting a cookie "I've noticed Light favours Y/n more than his actual girlfriend if that's what you mean".

《Y/n's POV》
I slowly open my eyes and look at Mr Yagami. He puts the gun down and explains the situation, he says "Ryuzaki wanted me to take you three out here and pretend to kill you to see what would happen. If I would get killed by one of you three. You three are no longer suspects".

I pull away from Light and say "Ryuzaki..." the radio switches on and Ryuzaki says "You may return to the Police Department now."

I shake my head and say breathlessly "No, I want to go home. I don't want to deal with this right now".

Ryuzaki replies through the speaker "I understand, however I need your presence now".

The speaker switches off and Mr Yagami apologises to us.

He starts driving once again, Misa stares at me and every now and then glances at Light confused.

I think 'Oh great. Because Light tried to hide my face so I didn't see the gun Misa thinks he might have a thing for me'.


When we arrive back at the Police Department we all stand quietly in the room.

Ryuzaki spins in his chair and says "This is depressing. You three should be happy you're not suspects anymore".

I say "Can I speak to you privately Ryuzaki?" The black haired male stops spinning, he says "If you have something to say you can say it here".

I say "This is something only I can talk to you about" He replies "Wait till after today".

Ryuzaki says "While you three were in custody the killings kept happening so we now suspect that it's a company named Yotsuba".


When the day is up I go to look for Ryuzaki but when I find him he says "I'm tired, can we talk about this tomorrow".

I say in disbelief "You know what I am going to talk to you about don't you?" He replies "If you mean the fact you're mad at me because I was willing to get someone to point a gun at your head to see if you were Kira or not, yes".

I say "I know you are doing your job but seriously, what the fuck. You scared the hell out of me, I thought I could've actually died. It hurt alot when I heard you planned this, you know I like you".

Ryuzaki replies "I'm not interested in relationships Y/n, in case you haven't noticed my job is my life".

He puts his hands in his pockets and stares at me, I nod and say almost speechless "Alright. I guess that's all I needed to hear, I probably should have known our relationship is strictly just people who work together".

I walk outside the building and into the snow.


I make it a few miles before I trip and my legs get stuck in the snow.

I growl "Why today!" I try to pull myself out until I am lifted out of the cold.

My feet rest gently on the ground and I look behind me to see Light with a warm smile that heats my cheeks just from him looking down on me.

Light x Reader《DEATH NOTE》Where stories live. Discover now