Chapter 2

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On the next day, more and more crime cases come in and all resulting in a heart attack.

Rapidly these cases have been rising it seems like karma isn't to blame, but how can we be prove otherwise?

I eat my lunch thinking of the possibilities on why then decide that I should focus on something else.

Like eating for example, I can focus on the textures, on the flavors, and so on.

Rin, my friend beside me pokes my shoulder and says "Whatcha thinking about?" I smile at the brunette and say "I was just thinking about my lunch".

Rin asks confused "Really? I mean I guess that's to be expected, what's wrong with your lunch it looks delicious".

I see her eyeing my food, I give her some and say "It's fine I just started thinking about it to clear my head about those crimes on the news".

Rin replies eating some of my food "Ooooh, I wouldn't worry about it. Those criminals got what they deserved".


I take my books from my locker and over hear students talking about the news.

I look at the students briefly and think unamused 'Gossips, the students who spread things, but it wouldn't hurt to eavesdrop'.

I hide behind a locker and listen to a blonde male say "Did you hear? People are saying someone is causing the heart attacks".

The girl beside him nods and the other girl in front of them says "I heard the same thing! But how would someone cause someone else to get heart attacks?"

The boy laughs "By looking at their ugly face I guess", a warm breath beside my ear and a male voice asks politely "Why are you eavesdropping?"

I turn around with a fright and see it's just Light with a happy innocent expression.

I say calmly "Oh, follow me".

I motion my finger for him and start walking down the hall, he follows and I stop outside in the gardens where only a few people are.

I say honestly "I was eavesdropping because if I were to actually ask then for information they won't give it".

Light presses gently "Okay, but what information did you want? Maybe I can assist you".

I reply uneasy "I don't know, it's just boring news stuff" He says offering his hand to me "Maybe I can help".

He puts his hand away, I ask "Do you watch the news?" He nods, I ask "Then you should know about the criminals dying of heart attacks".

Light's eyes suddenly grow interested, he asks curiously "What do you want to know?" I ask "Do you happen to have a theory on why so many are dying of heart attacks? Is it some sort of lifestyle or is there some sort of bigger murderer out there?"

He says "My theory is... Maybe they all happened to bite the dust by coincidence", my hopes fall and I say "Well, I let you listen to this because I thought knowing you as one of the smartest students would have something up their sleeve".

Light says trying to reassure me "Well all I can say is it's a coincidence for now but who knows, have a good day Y/n".

He gives me one last soft smile before leaving, I give him a concerned look as his back is to me and I think 'Why did you sound so protective Light?'


I sit in a Cafe and text my Mother:
Y/n》I'm at the Cafe across the street from the academy for lunch, want anything?

Maybe I could get you something and bring it to you.

Mother Dearest》No thank you dear, just make sure you get back to school on time.

I turn off my phone and step forward in line, at the counter I order what I want and take a seat waiting for my order to arrive.

My hot drink gets served first and I take a sip checking the news again, thousands more cases have risen.

I put my phone away and think 'Actually, maybe I should stop worrying about this, it's not happening to me at least'.

I hug my hands around the warm mug and relax, I take another sip and the warm liquid I feel slides down my throat and into my stomach.

I let go of a breath I've been holding and mist comes out, I think 'So it's that cold here, jesus".

My phone buzzes and I pick it up and answer the call:

I ask "Rin, what's going on?"

Rin replies over the line,"You're missing out! It's snowing! People are starting to throw snow balls at eachother and I want to hit you in the face with one!"

I roll my eyes and exit the call.


After I eat my food and down my drink I walk outside and my feet sink in the crunchy snow.

I say surprised "She wasn't kidding" I check the time and see the bell is about to ring.

My eyes widen and I try to run, I make a few steps before the roughness of the snow gets the better of me and I trip right as I get to the school gates.

I fall on my knees and I hear some students laugh, I ignore them because I know how ridiculous I must look and smile knowingly.

I grab the ground and slowly stand up, I take a breath and start walking instead.

But even that betrays me, my ankle twists and I grab onto the closest person and say "I'm so sorry!"

It's none other than Light I grabbed onto, he smiles and says "It's alright, do you need help? The bell is about to ring".

I shake my head and say "No it's fine you can go", to my surprise he pulls me out of the snow and says "Alright".

Even though he helped me anyways he was about to walk away but he turns back and says "You better hurry if you don't want to be late".

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