Chapter 13

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《Y/n's POV》
After a few days with working with Ryuzaki things were going smoothly.

Something about Ryuzaki made me feel relaxed during the Kira Case.

I think it was the way he talked to everyone, he didn't care if it was the truth he just said it.

However what took me by surprise was what Ryuzaki announced now; "We are going to study Light through surveillance".

I sit on the couch and ask "Why just him, if you suspect Misa and I why don't you do so to us as well?"

Ryuzaki stands up and takes my hot chocolate from my hands, he says in a bored tone "Because Light is the prime suspect and he isn't here today".

He takes a sip of my drink and says "You need to add seven sugar cubes to your drink Y/n it gives taste".

He wipes his lips of whipped cream and gives my drink back, I say in a questioning voice "Your... Welcome?"

Ryuzaki says pacing the room "If Light shows no promise of being Kira I am going to hold Misa in captivity to see if the killing keeps happening".

I say "Come to think of it why did you bring me to a hotel room to discuss this?"

Ryuzaki says flicking my forehead "Because a hotel room is where no one else can hear us".

I take his wrist and ask "Yeah but why are you only telling me this?" Ryuzaki crouches in front of me and says staring into my eyes "I trust you".

I give him an odd look and say "You just said I am a suspect, you are so twisted Ryuzaki. Unless this is your way of getting me to trust you and let slip if I am Kira or not".

He says "You are the least likely of being Kira on my list but it is still a possibility".

I take a sip of my drink not caring if Ryuzaki did before and say "I guess it is best to be safe than sorry".

He smiles and says "That is why you will not leave my side at all for a few days".

I raise an eyebrow and ask "What do you mean?" I hear a metal clink and realize there is a collar around my neck.

I say confused "Wha- how did you- you know you are going to get filed complaints for doing something as kinky as this".

Ryuzaki stands up with the lead in hand and says "It is not kinky get your head out of the gutter. You are my personal human pet for a few days just so I can keep an eye on you".

I ask with a blank face "Can I at least finish my drink before you think about giving me walkies?"

He nods his smile turning more amused.

Ryuzaki says "I will be living with you for the next few days so you better get comfortable


As we walk through town people give us weird looks. I say getting embarrassed "Can I take this thing off in public? People think we are insane".

He shakes his head and yanks on the leash a bit for me to keep up.

I blush and cover my face as we walk to my apartment.


Well on the bright side Ryuzaki prefers to sleep on the floor so I got the whole bed to myself.

The next day Ryuzaki leads me to the Police Department and as soon as we enter the room Mr Yagami asks in total confusion "Ryuzaki! Why is Y/n on a leash!?"

Ryuzaki says "I am going to keep an eye on her for a few days since she is a minor suspect".

He sits down on his usual chair, I say "Can you let me go now?" He shakes his head and points to the floor beside him.

I sigh and sit next to him on the floor, Mr Yagami runs his hands through his hair and says "Ryuzaki this is ridiculous!"

The ghoulish looking boy replies "I see nothing wrong with it", Light stares at me in shock.

Misa who sits beside Light squeals in disgust "Ryuzaki you're so creepy!"

Ryuzaki says while typing on his computer "You are the ones who are creepy for thinking that this situation is something different".

Watari enters the room with sweets and sets them on the table Ryuzaki is working on before leaving.

I ask "Do we at least have any idea how Kira kills?" Ryuzaki flicks my head and says "You will speak when I say you can".

Mr Yagami repeats my question so it will be answered, Ryuzaki says while eating a bright green lolly "Well we know that Kira needs a face and name to kill, what we don't know is how he does it".

I tug on the lead a few times to get Ryuzaki's attention, I say "I need to go to the bathroom" He replies "Then I will go with you" I give him a disgusted look and say "God no, just let me go alone".

Ryuzaki finally obeys and unties me, I get onto my feet and leave.


After I did my buisness I wash my hands and look in the mirror, I see marks on my neck and say "That fucking collar is too tight, I need to tell Ryuzaki that".

I walk out of the bathroom and see Light holding the collar leaning against the wall.

I ask "Let me guess you are going to take me back to Ryuzaki wearing that?"

He nods with a smirk as if all of this is entertaining to him.

I walk over to him and say "Hurry up and put it on" Light slides the collar around my neck, his fingers brush against my skin.

Something about his body language is relaxed and calm, his eyes give me the vibe that he is generally happy.

Light's POV》
As I am hooking the lead into her collar I briefly look into her eyes to see she is looking at my lips, she looks up into my eyes.

I giggle and hold the lead firmly, I slowly lean in and to my surprise she doesn't stop me.

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