Chapter 14

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I am inches from her lips, until her hand covers my mouth and she backs away.

I say covering up "Are you ready?" She nods and says "Yeah..."

A sudden loss fills my chests when she starts walking away and I accidently let go of the lead.

What was that...?


I enter the room as see Ryuzaki petting Y/n's head as if she was a puppy, she clearly doesn't look comfortable neither does anyone else in the room.

I feel my heart twist, I relax and the feeling fades away.

《Y/n's POV》
I ask Ryuzaki "Why do you keep mentioning a shinigami?" Ryuzaki shoves a lolly in my mouth preventing me from speaking.

He says "We don't need to talk about that this session".

I find the lolly actually entertaining with flavors, raspberry mixed with a mango kinda taste and a surprise flavour filled middle.


I try to go to sleep that night but Ryuzaki keeps pulling on the sheets while he sleeps on the floor beside the bed.

I groan in annoyance and crawl over to the side, I look down at Ryuzaki who is fast asleep, his fist grips my blanket.

I get out of bed and shake him, Ryuzaki's eyes shoot open, I say "I am having trouble sleeping with you grabbing the sheets and yanking them."

I help him up and lay him on the bed, I go and sleep on my own separate side and close my eyes.


When I wake up in the morning I find Ryuzaki so close staring at me.

Not going to lie it gave me a fright.


More days pass and I notice a sudden change when I am with Ryuzaki and by that I mean I am the one with the change.

It turns out I am all clear and Ryuzaki takes off the collar. He says "You have proven so far not to be harmful but we still don't know for sure which is why you will join Misa in captivity".

I ask "What do you mean?" Ryuzaki shows footage of Misa tied up in white robes, he says "The only difference is Y/n, you will be in a prison cell like Light's if he turns himself in".

My eyes widen looking at Misa, I ask "Why do you have to treat Misa like she belongs in a mental hospital?"

Ryuzaki says "If she is the second Kira then she must need a face to kill. You could be a third Kira we don't know about but who is to tell that is why we are taking you under custody".

Matsuda puts his hands together and says with a big smile "I want to see Light's reaction to this love triangle!"

I ask confused "Love triangle?" Matsuda nods and says "I can't believe you haven't noticed it, Misa loves Light, Light actually loves Y/n, Y/n deep down cares about Misa but doesn't love her".

Ryuzaki says "Matsuda you are an idiot" I reply "Yeah sorry I am going to agree with Ryuzaki, I thought it was obvious that everyone else except you and Light find Misa annoying."

Matsuda crosses his arms and says "You are just denying your feelings" I say "No I'm not" I kiss Ryuzaki's cheek.

The whole room falls silent, I say "By the way your little love triangle doesn't exist. If you haven't noticed already I favourite someone else".

Ryuzaki stands and hand cuffs me, he says in my ear so only I can hear "Don't trust Light".


I stare at the floor as they lead me to my cell. Mr Yagami pats my back and says "You'll be okay Y/n".

I enter the cell and once they close and leave I look around.

Light's POV》
I burst into the room and say "Take me in!" Ryuzaki says eating a slice of cake "What do you mean?" I think 'I heard Misa and Y/n were taken into custody, as much I would rather save
Y/n but I have to play the lover boy of Misa'.

I shout "I heard you took Misa into custody! Take me instead!" Ryuzaki turns on the cameras on his massive screens to show both Misa and Y/n in custody.

Misa looks confused yet calm while Y/n lays on her bed in her cell asleep.

I say with wide eyes "Take me in custody as well! Please!"

Ryuzaki plays with his fork and says "Fine".


I am put into a cell, I hear shuffling in the next cell beside me.

I say "Y/n?" She jokes "What are you in for?"

I smirk and lean against the wall, I ask "Did you come in here willingly?" She says "Yes. But I don't think we should be talking to eachother".

《L's POV》
I watch as Light makes conversation with Y/n.

Matsuda fan boys and says "Y/n said my love triangle doesn't exist look at her and Light!"

I say "That isn't a love triangle Matsuda, I think hanging around Misa has made you dumb".

I put on the speaker and listen to Y/n and Light's conversation.

Matsuda asks "Do you like Y/n?" I reply "That's none of your buisness", Mr Yagami stares at the cameras beside me.

《Light's POV》
I ask "Do you think I am Kira still?" Y/n mutters "I don't know.."

I say "I know I am Misa's boyfriend but I really did like you" Y/n replies "That's sweet but I love someone else, he might know already".

I ask "Would you ever have given me a chance?" My curiousity peaking.

She says hesitantly "I... I did have a thing for you back at school but things have changed I think we should stop living in the past".

I ask "What if I was the man I used to be? The smart, good, trusting student that you had feelings for?"

She says quietly "I don't know... I don't feel comfortable talking about this-".

I look at Ryuk across the room and nod.

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