Chapter 20

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I sit on the edge of my bed thinking deeply. I say "So you have Misa's Death Note, you remember your crimes, and you are still willing to go through with your plan."

Light nods, I say "I knew I couldn't trust you, Misa was apart of this too and I thought maybe she wasn't."

Light says with a smile "I will admit, if Misa caught you kissing me she would have killed you, just be glad that the times she thought about it I changed her mind".

I ask "And what? Trying to gain my trust by telling me this? You're Kira, the person I've been hunting! The person I've been trying to catch!"

Light sits on my wooden seat in front of me and says "I dont expect you to trust me".

I ask "Then what do you expect of me?" He closes his eyes and breaks into a smile.

He says opening his eyes looking up at me "I need your intelligence, I need someone on my side who has a brain, I feel it would make my situation safer".

I say "What makes you think I want to help you?" Light replies "The way you kissed me in the alley", he rests his chin in his hand smiling.

I look at him in horror and say "You're back to that person again, the one I absolutely don't trust".

Light says calmly "I'm still the same person Y/n, just different".

I say "You're not the man I made out with, I was kissing a nicer man" he fires back "You still rejected me in the end, changing for you and for myself is pointless, you're never happy".

I snap "I am! You are just not around to see it!"

Light says "I can make you happy, just agree to work with me and I will do everything I can to make sure you live happily, unless I need you dead".

I say unimpressed "That's reassuring, when is Misa going to kill me?" He shakes his head and says "You will live as long as I keep you a secret, last thing I want is for something important of mine to go missing, I need you both".

He stands up and approaches me, I ask with a concerned look, standing up "What are you doing?"

He takes my waist and forces me to lay down on my bed.

{Light's POV}
I lay in Y/n's bed wide awake holding her fragile body against mine, I think 'Things are so much easier now that I've got my memories back and Rem is dead'.

I smirk and let go of a deep breath, I still feel sweaty, I'm basically sticking to her.

I think 'I don't usually do this kind of thing but it's nice for it to be Y/n. I feel relaxed after all of this, as if for once after so much stress she cured it for a night'.

I stare at the ceiling, 'I really do need Y/n don't I...'

I kiss her sleeping head and rub my thumb caressing her shoulder.

{Y/n's POV}
I wake up to find breakfast on my bedside table along with a note.

I groan and reach for the note, I sit up and read:

'Forgive me, I had to leave early in the morning so Misa didn't suspect a thing.

Thank you for last night, and I look forward to working with you'.

My head falls on my pillow and I shout "Fuck!" I cover my eyes and say to myself "I had sex with a murderer... No... I have to turn him but if I do that he might kill me".


I walk the streets trying to clear my mind when I accidently bump into Misa.

I think 'Shit...'

Misa says with a disgusted expression "Oh it's badly dressed lady".

I say "I'm too tired to deal with this, just..." I walk past her holding my head with my hand.

Miss struts after me and says "Where do you think you're going?"

I say "I don't know, somewhere?" I honestly didn't know where.

Misa says annoyed "You are so weird you know that?" I ask "Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend?"

She stops and stands there with a frustrated expression, her face puffed out.

I ask "What?" Stopping, looking back at her, she blurts "He keeps ignoring me! All he is focused on is work! Work, work work!" She stomps her foot like a child.

I think 'So Light really was leading her on and using her as the second Kira, that's so horrible, it doesn't make me feel better when I was tricked last night. But yet again she was part of the case I'm after'.

I say "Maybe he will soon pay attention to you, who knows." Misa whines "Yeah right! I try so hard but he doesn't seem to get it!"

I shrug and say "I don't know how to help sadly, I'm going to go get a drink".

Misa runs after me and says "Wait for me!" I say "Don't you have somewhere else to be?" She replies "Nope!"

I sigh as Misa joins my side. She lowers her voice and says "You have Light's Death Note don't you?"

Her crimson eyes bore into mine, I reply "Yeah, I stumbled across it and Light found me and informed me of everything."

Misa asks "You're working with us?" I reply "I have choice do I? If I refuse I will die".

The blonde stares at me with wide eyes, she then relaxes and says narrowing her eyebrows "You better stay away from my Light-sama".

I ask "What makes you think I want to be near him?" She snaps "He always wants to be near you! He keeps saying he needs you".

I smirk forms on my face and I say "I got an idea".

Misa asks brightly "What?" I say stopping "What if I help you get closer to Light and I reject ownership of the Death Note so I don't remember any of this?"

Misa squeals in delight and says "That's the best idea yet! But Light-sama still needs you for his plan..."

She pouts.

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