Chapter 9

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Light and I walk quietly side by side, I wanted to break the silence but it was hard to and my throat wouldn't let any words out.

Light asks "Did you bring the books?" I reply gripping my bag strap lightly "Yes of course, you said you needed English books right?" He nods.

We make it to his doorstep, as soon as Light opens the door a blonde girl is jumping up and down talking to a younger girl.

The blonde girl makes eye contact with Light and squeals "Light-sama!" And tackled him into a hug.

I say "Maybe you don't need my help Light, why didn't you ask your new girlfriend to help you instead?" Light looks at me and gently removes himself from the girl.

He says "You are the only person I know in my class who can help me with English Y/n".

The girl asks curiously studying me "Who are you? Why is your hair so h/c" I reply feeling awkward "I'm Y/n, and... I don't know? It's normal?"

The younger girl has gone into the living room.

Light says "Misa, Y/n is going to help me with my homework, could you please give us privacy".

The blonde named Misa says concerned "But Light I wanted to spend the night with you".

I say "I can give you two the books if you want and you can do the studying yourself".

Misa nods and says immediately "Give me the books! I refuse to let my boyfriend to spend the night with another woman".

Light cuts in and says "Misa please, just go home I promise I will spend the entire rest of the weekend with you".

Misa takes his hand and says "Just us? Alone?" Light nods, Misa cheers and says "Okay Light-sama, but if I hear this girl touched you I'll kill her".

She points to me, I say "I'm right here, but okay", Misa walks out, Y/n asks "So are we going to study in the lounge?"

Light shakes his head and says "My room, that way no one can disturb us".

I say concerned "Okay..."


Ten minutes have passed and I've been happily studying in a chair with my Maths book in my hands.

Light relaxes on his bed and asks staring at the English book on his lap "Can you help me? I really need your help".

I say closing my maths book "What happened to you? You used to be so good at school work now you come to me for help".

Light pats the spot beside him, I say "I'm fine here", Light asks surprised "You don't trust me do you?"

I reply "Don't dodge the question" He says with a sigh "I am actually fine with my work I just wanted you to come to my house so I can ask you something".

I ask "Why bring me all the way to your house?" He says "Becausd what I am going to ask you is important and I don't want anyone over hearing".

I fall silent as a sign to get him to tell me what he wanted to say. He asks "Do you have feelings for me?" I say bluntly "No so don't think about using me".

Light giggles and says "That wasn't the real question I just wanted to see your reaction. What I wanted to ask you is, do you support Kira?"

I cross my arms and say "Kira is a person who kills criminals but says they won't slip up and kill innocent people just because they feel like it?"

Light says sitting up properly "What if they knew what they were doing? What if they thought killing criminals would make the world peaceful?"

I say "Humans can be terrible yes but logically speaking even if there were no criminals because Kira killed them, a human at some point will turn toxic it's nature".

Light asks "What if Kira was a God? A God that was planning on killing all criminals till the end of time?"

I say "A human can't live till the end of time Light. Are you a Kira supporter?"

He thinks for a moment then says "Of course not, Kira is a monster".

We fall silent again for a few moments before I say "I'm just going to ask your Mum where I'm going to be sleeping for the night".

Light nods.


Mrs Yagami helps me put blankets on the couch in the living room.

I thank her and she leaves me too it.

I climb into the blankets and ball myself up closing my eyes.

Light's POV》
I sit on my bed thinking, 'She doesn't like the thought of Kira... I need her though, maybe I just need to change her point of view'.

Ryuk chuckles and says pointing at me "She hates you" I reply "She hates Kira, not me, she just doesn't trust me".

Ryuk repeats my past words "Because she thinks you'll use her. I remember".

I walk downstairs and towards the couch, I pull out the Death Note and stand in front of Y/n.

Ryuk asks "What are you doing Light?" I reply "If she sees you she might come running for help and that's where I come in".

I was just about to touch her with the book but then I pull away and say "Actually... I want to wait, maybe things might change soon".

《Y/n's POV》
I wake up in the morning to see the younger girl from yesterday staring down at me, I yelp and sit up straight.

The younger girl says "Wow, I didn't know my older brother was dating two girls he's such a cheat".

I reply "He's not dating me, I'm a student from his class, he wanted to study since apparently he sucks now".

Light speaks up from the kitchen and says "That's rude".

The younger girl says "I'm Sayu" I reply "Y/n, nice to meet you".

Sayu backs off and I get ready for the morning by going to the bathroom.

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