Chapter 16

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Light has an arm wrapped around my shoulder as we walk in attempt to keep me somewhat warm.

I ask "Why are you doing this? Isn't Misa your girlfriend?" Light replies "I remember when you got stuck in the snow back at school".

I ask again "Isn't Misa your girlfriend?" He says "To tell you the truth our relationship isn't real Y/n. I'm not interested in her at all yet she clings to me like I'm the only man in the world".

I ask curiously feeling confused "Then why did you pretend to be her boyfriend?" He says holding me closer "I don't remember, Misa wouldn't leave me alone and I think I must have felt the need not to hurt her so I played along."

I say feeling kind of disgusted "You lead her on?" Light says with a blank expression "I don't know, I might have".

I say feeling the need to admit "Well I talked with Ryuzaki this afternoon as planned but it turns out Ryuzaki isn't looking for a relationship at all".

Light asks looking at me "He rejected you?" I nod and wrap my arms around his waist as we walk.

He stops walking and hugs me, he says with a giggle "You're so cold".


Light leads me to a Cafe and we buy warm drinks sitting at a table.

It feels nice to have something warm during the cold.

Light laughs a bit and says "Your lips are purple" I smile and take another sip of my drink.

He takes my hands in his and attempts to warm them up, I think 'Maybe I really was chasing after the wrong guy...'

I say without thinking "I want to be with you-" I jolt my hands away from his and laugh, I say "Sorry I wasn't thinking straight".

His eyes relax from being wide, he says with a smile "No it's okay." He brings his hands to mine and Light opens his hands a little as if asking me if I wanted to hold them.

I slowly put mine in his again, he leans across the table and connects his warm lips against mine.

His fingers squeeze my hands gently, when Light pulls away we stare into eachothers eyes as he slowly sits back down in his seat.


I lock lips with Light, he holds my waist firmly and enters his tongue into my mouth without my permission.

We stand in an alleyway hidden from the human eye. I run my fingers through his hair and slowly pull away.

I cover my mouth when I see the string of saliva connecting us, I blush and wipe my lips.

He licks his own and says with a bright smile "That was kind of cute Y/n, I didn't know you liked me that much".

I cup his face and ask "Why don't you blush?" Light looks at me confused, I back away and say "Nevermind it's fine. I'm sorry for forcing myself up on you like that. I need to focus on the Kira Case".

I check my phone for the time and start exiting the alleyway onto the frozen stone path.

Light catches up to me and says "Where are you going? Did that mean nothing to you?"

I look at him surprised and say "Wow, are you actually caring for once? Usually you use girls after a few days or weeks".

He grabs my shoulders and says "Maybe so, but that was in the past. What just happened back in the alley and in the Cafe was amazing".

I say "I'm sorry I still don't believe you, I still believe you are your old self. Right now however, I want to be fully focused on catching Kira".

Light asks letting my shoulders go "Then why did you make out with me?" I reply "I do want to be with you but to put it simply you can be toxic".

He watches as I leave and outstretches his hand out towards my way as I turn a corner.

{Misa's POV}
I sit in Light's apartment room that the creep rented for us and watch as my Light-sama enters the room.

I squeal "Light-sama~!"

I notice his gloom expression, I ask my reaction falling "Light, are you okay?"

He doesn't reply and leans against the door. I stand up and walk over to him wrapping my arms around his waist, I say putting on a smile "Come on Light-sama, don't be like that! Want to come to bed?"

Light's gaze drops down on me, he removes my arms off him and walks to the bedroom dropping himself onto the bed.

He asks "Why are you even here?" I laugh and say "Light-sama, what do you mean?"

Light snaps, his eyes turning into a glare "Why do you follow me like a lost puppy? Why do you cling to me, it's annoying!"

I hold back tears and say "I love you Light..." He cools down and says "I just want to be left alone right now".

I slowly walk away.

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