Chapter 7

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I eventually learn the black haired guys name, Ryuzaki.

I only learned that because I stand before him right now behind the school after I caught him, he says scratching the side of his head with a finger "Y/n L/n..."

He says "Your Mum works with the children near here doesn't she".

I nod and say "I wanted to ask you why you were staring at me in class over the last few days".

Ryuzaki says putting his hands in his pockets "Don't mistake me as having feelings for you, I have a habit of staring at people I find interesting".

I ask "In what way would I be interesting unless you are up to something" He gives me an interested expression and a tiny smile.

Ryuzaki says "I am sure you are aware of the Kira case?" I nod and say "Of course, criminals are dying and this L person suspects that someone named Kira is killing them".

Ryuzaki asks "Are you fond of this case?" I reply "Well, it does have my interest. Suddenly a bunch of people are dying who wouldn't be concerned or at least curious?"

He outstretches his hand to me and says "Give me your phone", I hand him it, he starts typing something and hands it back.

Ryuzaki says "I've given you my phone number in case you ever want to talk more about the Kira Case. Just between us".

He puts a finger to his lips as if telling me to keep it silent, I bow and thank him.


I sit down with Rin at lunch underneath a tree happily talking.

Rin asks "So how is this stalking thing going with the new guy", I say "It turns out the new guy, Ryuzaki, is fascinated about the Kira Case as well".

Rin says in a bored tone "Really? You need to relax, what is so amazing about this Kira case anyway?"

I say "If someone really can kill criminals magically then what would happen if Kira suddenly decided to kill innocent people because he was bored".

Ryuzaki voice says "Precisely" making Rin and I both jump, he sits in a squat position beside me and says looking at me "That's why L needs to catch Kira".

Rin awkwardly says "Hello Ryuzaki, I'm Rin" He nods and the entire atmosphere turns awkward and silent around us.

I laugh a bit and say "I think I'm going to get my gear ready for the end of the day, see ya" I put my stuff away and start walking, Rin gives me a wave goodbye.


Ryuzaki follows close behind me as I walk to my locker. I stop and say "Is there something you want Ryuzaki?"

He asks "Do you have something sweet on you by any chance?" I say "No why?" He replies "I'm hungry".

I shake my head and say apologetically "I'm sorry, I don't have anything on me you can eat".

He turns around and leaves.

I wonder if that is why he was following me all day today.


At night after dinner I walk to my room and sit on my bed texting Ryuzaki's number.


Y/n -
Ryuzaki, what is your true opinion of Kira killing criminals?

Ryuzaki -
Why are you asking for my opinion?

Y/n -
You heard my opinion at lunch today, isn't it fair for me to hear yours?

Ryuzaki -
Alright, in my eyes Kira is a murderer who thinks the world would be better without bad people. In the end he is just a plain serial killer like all the others who just happens to have the ability to kill with a face in his mind.

Y/n -
I suppose you are right, in an odd way we kind of share the same idea.



Switching off my phone I get ready for bed.


In the morning I see a surprise text from Light.


Light -
Are you mad at me Y/n?

Y/n -
How did you even get my phone number?

Light -
I asked Rin. I can't let you be mad at me because I need to ask something of you.

Y/n -
Fine. What is it? I'm curious.

Light -
Did you happen to speak with Ryuzaki?

Y/n -
You know what. Let's talk about this at school I need to get up.


At school, I meet up with Light as planned.

He asks "Did you meet up with Ryuzaki?" I reply "That's none of your business," Light says with a smirk "I knew you would say that. I saw you with him yesterday anyway".

I stare at him in disgust, he asks "All I want to know is, what did he want from you?"

I say "He just wanted to talk about class, he wanted to know what I had next and that was it".

I had to lie to Light, he was a dick yesterday so he kind of deserves it. I also in a way want to keep it a secret like Ryuzaki intended for whatever reason, something about Ryuzaki is odd yet trusting in a way.

Light takes my shoulders fondly and says with a soft expression "I just wanted to know why another man was talking to someone I find captivating".

He brushes the tips of his fingers against the side of my cheek.

I say getting irritated "That's sweet of you but I suppose I better get going", Light steps closer as an attempt to be intimidating and says "Where do you need to go? Maybe I can escort you".

I shake my head and say "That won't be necessary, goodbye Light" I turn around and start making my way out of the room.


Ryuzaki pokes the back of my head a couple of times during science and says "Oi....Oi........Oi".

I snap and harshly whisper "What?" He says "I'm bored, this class is too easy".

I say cooling down "Well why don't you entertain yourself?" He falls silent then rips out papers from his book and starts making origami.

He speaks up and asks "What is your relationship with Light?"

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