Chapter 21

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I sit in a Cafe with Misa, she scoffs a cupcake while I calmly drink my drink.

I try to persuade her, "Misa, I want nothing to do with this plan of his, I'm trying to catch Kira as you know".

Misa says dumbfounded "But that means you are also trying to catch me and my Light-sama".

I nod and say "I know, but if I give you what you want which is getting you with Light properly, then you will give me what I want. Which is obviously rejecting the Death Note and forgetting all of this."

Misa asks "I really love Light-sama..." I say with a smile "I won't remember Light being Kira nor will I remember you being the second Kira. I will remain clueless along side Ryuzaki".

Misa whines looking down at the table sadly "But for some reason Light needs you, I don't want to upset him... But I want you gone too!"

I say "Then agree to my plan, you will have Light, I will be in the background non-existent unless I somehow figure it out who you are".

Misa thinks for a moment then says "Okay, I accept" she gives me a big smile and a wink.


I start thinking as I walk back to the Police Department, 'Of course bringing Misa and Light together to create a stronger bond could be risky but if it means I can be not apart of this situation I will do it'.

I enter the building with Misa beside me, I ask "Why are you still following me?" She replies "I don't know, Light's here isn't he?"

I smile and say "Then this will be the first step to our plan, what do you say?"

She nods eagerly.

{Light's POV}
Ryuzaki watches the security cameras right as Misa enters the Police Department with Y/n.

Matsuda's jaw drops and he says "I thought those two didn't like eachother".

Ryuzaki says "Women are odd Matsuda. It seems they formed a kind of female bond".

My Father looks at the screen uneasily.

I smirk knowing the two girls must have caught up about the Death Note.

Eventually the two girls enter the room, I notice Y/n give Misa a smirk and Misa dashes towards me tackling my arm.

I grunt in suprise, I watch as Y/n sits across the room full focus on Ryuzaki.

Ryuzaki says "I thought I should mention, Y/n is back with us".

He continues "Now, I want to do more research on this group using the Sakura TV".

{Y/n's POV}
I see Light at lunch pouring himself a drink at the machines in the Police Department.

Misa stands beside me silently, I nudge her and say "Calmly go up to him, talk to him and get a drink".

Misa nods slowly and approaches him.

{Light's POV}
I see Misa join my side making a drink, she says blushing "Hi Light-sama".

I say with a smile "So you and
Y/n have become friends?" She blurts "N-no! She's so weird!"

I say "Well you need to get along with her if you two are going to work together" Misa asks slowly "Can I ask... What purpose does Y/n have to our plan?"

I say stirring my drink "You don't need to know that yet Misa".

She asks "Do you like her more than me?" She stares at me scared.

I say making up a lie "No I'm just using her for now, so don't get jealous".

She asks "What if Y/n doesn't want to be part of this plan?" I reply starting to grow curious "Why? Did she tell you she doesn't want to be apart of this at all?"

Misa shakes her head and says "No she's willing to help but I think... Maybe we don't need her, let's think about us Light!"

I say "I'm afraid that's impossible right now, I need Y/n to cooperate".

I leave Misa alone taking my drink with me unhappily.

{Misa's POV}
I walk back to Y/n with my head down, she asks "What happened?" I snap "He doesn't want to think about me and him! All he's thinking about is his plan with you in it!"

I hold back tears.

Y/n tries to reassure me and says "Hey, we just have to keep trying, come on".

Y/n and I find Light walking into an elevator, Y/n nods and says "Go, you two will be alone, try to talk romance".

I nod and run into the elevator just before the door shuts.

I huff and puff, I smile and say "Hi Light-sama~!" Light busily texts on his phone, he says putting his phone away "I was just texting Teru about his current killings with the Death Note".

I take Light's arm and snuggle into it, I say "Light-sama, after this want to go on a date? It will just be us alooone~".

Light replies bluntly "I can't, I'm busy".

I whine "But it will just be us, who knows what could happen".

Light puts on a smile and says "That's sweet but maybe next time".

The elevator door opens and I see Light look up at someone with wide eyes, I look where he is looking and see Y/n talking to Ryuzaki with a smile.

My heart swells in a horrible way, Light puts down his voice "Why is she talking to him?"

I shrug, we exit the elevator and over hear Ryuzaki just asking her about her mental health.

Light seems to relax and the fear from his body evaporates.

{Y/n's POV}
Ryuzaki asks "Did you get good sleep, it would be unprofessional if you came back tired".

I reply "I am fine, thank you for your concern." I bow to show respect, he grabs my shoulders and forces me to stand up straight, he says "No formality".

I apologise but he covers my mouth, I glare at him unimpressed.

I grab his wrist and try to pull it off he puts his hand over the top of his other one and says "Don't growl at me".

He finally removes his hands from my mouth and I say "What the he-" Ryuzaki shakes his head.

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