Chapter 12

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"Are you okay?" Y/n asks, I reply resting my cheek on my palm "I am fine".

She asks "Do you have any different hobbies now?" I reply "It is mostly working with Ryuzaki, or reading, other than that I don't do much".

I lean over to table a bit towards her and ask "Do you still read Yaoi?" She breaks into a smile looking down into her drink and says "Of course, why would I stop".

I can't help but smile remembering when she was so flustered to give me her book at school in the past.

I sit back and say "You are such a terrible girl you know that?" Y/n looks up in disagreement and says pointing at me "Says you! You played so many girls back at the academy!" She tries not to break into a laugh.

I say amazed "I think this is the first time I've seen you like this" she cools down and says "I am not always boring you know, I do have a life".

I look at her hand on the table and say "To be honest over these last few years Misa has not been very entertaining to me".

I take Y/n's hand in mine and say caressing her skin "I prefer someone with intelligence and beauty and you hold that..."

She stares at our hands then into my eyes and says "I don't like where you are going with this".

Ryuk says putting his hands behind his head "You are scaring her Light".

I growl lowly and stand up sitting beside Y/n so she can't escape.

I hold her hand thats on the table again and say leaning little towards her "Would you be with me if I broke up with Misa?"

She puts her free hand on my chest and adds a little force, Y/n says "Get off me!" She closes her eyes and looks away.

I growl in my mind 'Why does she resist me like this! Why can't you be like Misa and just let me use you!'

I back off and let her hand go, I say "I'm sorry I don't know what came over me."

I see Y/n's shoulders relax and she opens her eyes, she says "It's alright, just don't do that ever again".

I look outside the window and see Rem glaring at me.

《Y/n's POV》
I chuck my bag into my bedroom and collapse onto my bed.

I have been living in an apartment for a while just so I can get on my feet later on and buy a house.

I have a side job working at a grocery store but it can be really dull.

My phone rings, I pick it up and answer. My Mum says on the other line "Hi Y/n, how was your day?" I reply "Today was fine. I am working with L in the police department to catch Kira".

My Mum asks astonished "Really?" I say "Yeah, I am working with Mr Yagami and his son".

Mum says in a nostalgic tone "God I remember when you and Light were friends back in school. He was such a good boy".

I realize what my Mum is doing and say with an annoyed face "Yeah I guess. Well I am going to go to bed, bye Mum" I turn off my phone.

I hear my apartment door bell ring.

I go to open the door to find Misa with her arms crossed and an irritated reaction.

I say "If this is about the fact Light took me to the Cafe it was just to catch up and I made sure he didn't do anything because I shoved him away".

Misa's jaw drops, she stutters "U-uh... But- you- You still went on a date with him!"

I sigh and say "You can come in if you want and we can discuss this if it really bothers you".

Misa stomps right into my apartment with a huff and says with a smirk "It's so stuffy in here, seriously what kind of girl would live in here obviously a monster."

I say disappointed "It's just a regular apartment", Misa takes a seat on a wooden chair, I sit down on the edge of my bed and say "As I have told you he just wanted to reconnect with a friend. I wouldn't let him near me if he has a girlfriend and trust me him having a girlfriend was a regular, he just managed to convince me this time to meet up".

Misa says with a laugh "I doubt Light would go out with a trashy girl like you anyway", I hold my tongue metaphorically and say "Yeah, a trashy girl like me. Now that this is sorted you can leave please".

Misa picks up her purse and walks out.

《Rem's POV》
I look at Y/n before I leave and follow after Misa.

I say "She was telling the truth" Misa waves her hand and says "Yeah yeah, but I still don't trust her. Light is mine".

I look back at the apartment door and stay silent.


I watch as Misa rants to Light about how boring Y/n is.

Light says writing names into his Death Note "You need to calm down Misa. The last thing I want is for you to ruin my plan".

Misa asks "What is your plan?" Light replies "If I get close to her we have a powerful ally Misa."

Misa growls "What about her is powerful!? I'm all you need Light-sama, ditch her already!"

I cut in and say "I hate to admit it but Y/n knows exactly what she's doing and every move she makes. If you were to even set foot and raise suspicion to her she will have your head on a platter Light".

Light asks curiously "When did you figure this out Rem?" I say lowly "I have been studying her for Misa's safety. Y/n even said herself she would expose you if you do anything to her Light, imagine if she knew about you and the Death Note".

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