Chapter 6

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After hearing what Ryuk said I knew he meant don't be a bastard.

I mentally roll my eyes at Ryuk's behavior, I say with a smile "It's alright Y/n, I'll see you tomorrow".


When I enter my house to my happiest surprise I see the News Reporter on TV announce Nina Lake's death.

I smile and walk upstairs.


《Y/n's POV》
I stare at the TV feeling confused, 'I didn't kill Nina, not as far as I know, am I a murderer? No, it can't be, a punch in the throat shouldn't kill her'.

I sit down on the couch, my Mum asks me "Are you alright?" I nod and say "Yeah I think".


Light's POV》
The next week at school the black haired male who claims as L to my greatest worry found me.

We sit down at a bench and L says "I saw you trying to hide from me last week, you hid behind an inappropriate book beside a girl".

I say "I just don't trust people who I haven't met before stalking me".

L asks bluntly "Why do you hang around that girl often Light?" He stares intently at me waiting for an answer, a thumb resting on his lips.

I try to piece what he's getting at then I think 'I see now, he thinks I have an accomplice as Kira'.

I say honestly "She's just a fellow student from my class, I talk to her every now and then to see what we have next in class".

L sits there with a blank expression, one that I can't read.


《Y/n's POV》
Rin and I stand in line at the Cafe to order lunch together, Rin asks "Did you see the new guy?" I shake my head and say "No I haven't" while scrolling through my phone.

Rin says while applying lipbalm on herself "He looks like he hasn't seen the sun in days but in a way he's kind of cute."

I step forward in line and Rin does the same, I ask "What are you trying to get at?" Raising an eyebrow.

Rin replies "Well if Light is unlucky he might loose his title as the hottest guy in school".

I say putting my phone in my pocket "I doubt he even cares Rin, do you see how stereotypical this is? Popular guy suddenly gets challenged by the new guy? It's kind of obvious".

Rin says showing me her phone "Speaking of challenged, apparently this afternoon Light and the new kid are going to play a tennis match".

I put my hand at the top of her phone and slowly move it out of my face.

I say "I am going to be honest, I don't really care, I'm just hungry" I motion to the front of the Cafe.

Rin nods and says "I know but I kinda want to go see the tennis match, pleeeeeaasseee will you go with me so I'm not a loner?"

I say as I step forward "I will think about it after I had a donut or something" Rin smiles eagerly.


I put in my locker numbers and open the steel box, inside my plain locker I unload my English and History books.

Knock knock

I turn around to find Light standing beside me, he asks "Do you know when the Library is open? I need to do research on something".

I ask "Research on what? I might happen to know what you're looking for", he thinks for a moment then says "I need to do research on the Police Department".

I say "Can't you ask your Dad?" He replies "I can but I feel like he might hide some stuff from me that a book can't".

I say "The Library is usually open at lunchtime twelve o'clock and closes at six".

Light gives me a smile and says "Thank you Y/n" He goes to leave, I say taking a step forward "Hey Light".

He stops and turns to face me, I say "Goodluck with that tennis match", Light says with an innocent expression "I will do my best for you".


Light's POV》
Ryuk says "Aww Light do you mean that?" I walk away from Y/n and say "Of course not, it's just a game. Y/n will be a strong ally and it could be something I need, so I will keep her close".


《Y/n's POV》
I walk down the stone steps with Rin to the tennis court at out school out back.

I see almost half the school there cheering.

Rin drags me to the front after squeezing between people and ducking past.

Rin grabs my shoulders and says excitedly "That's the new guy there!" She points to the black haired sick looking male.

I say "That will be me in twenty years of staying in my house gaming" Rin gives me an unimpressed look.

Light and the new guy start their game.


After a few minutes the boys kept putting everyone on the edge as they come close to ties everytime.


Eventually the game ends, I get off the grass I was sitting on, to my surprise Light walks straight towards me.

I look around to see if he's just looking for someone else but no he stops right in front of me and says "Did you enjoy that?"

I reply looking at him oddly "Shouldn't you be talking to your girlfriend right now and discussing your game with her?"

He mentions again "I told you before, we are going through a rough patch".

Funny enough his girlfriend does arrive and asks "Hey Light why haven't you been talking to me in a while?"

I cross my arms and say with a raised eyebrow at him "Well look at you Light, you shouldn't annoy your girlfriend to talk to me".

I walk away and find Rin chattering with peers, so I join her instead.


Over the past few days I notice that black haired guy stalking me, he would usually stare at me during class or follow me here and there as if he was suspecting something.

It's starting to really creep me out.

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