Chapter 18

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I reply "Sorry, I was so deep in thought, I didn't realize my absence would take all day." I rest a hand on my head and ask "Did anything important happen?"

Ryuzaki rests his thumb on his bottom lip and says "I want you to take days off".

I ask shocked "Why? Is it because I was absent for too long?"

The pale man says "No, it is because I think you are stressing too much. You worked so long to catch Kira that your wearing yourself out and forgetting about family and friends".

I stand speechless, Mr Yagami breaks the silence and says "I will lead her out".

Mr Yagami takes my side and rests a hand on my back.

I look back and see the two boys staring at me.


Mr Yagami walks me outside and says "This isn't a permanent thing. Ryuzaki just feels as though you need to rest, you will return in a few weeks back on the Kira Case when he sees you fit to".

We both walk quietly, I feel so awkward, I made out with his son and rejected him because I didn't trust him, who knows what Light must've told his Dad, if anything.

Mr Yagami asks "Do you have feelings for my son, Y/n?" I mentally scream, 'Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!'

I try to relax until I see Ryuk leaning towards me waiting for my answer on my other side.

I say "I do. However with this Kira Case I can't exactly trust him".

Mr Yagami nods and says "I suppose, but you two share the same mind along with Ryuzaki which is very intimidating. Why don't you trust Light?"

I say "Have you truly thought of the possibility that your son was Kira? But somehow those powers were moved on to someone else? I support Ryuzaki's theory".

Mr Yagami stops me and holds my shoulder with his hand, he says "Even so, you're a good one, I don't understand Light at the moment because I feel like he's stuck between you and Misa. But if I had to choose for him, you and him have more in common".

I smile and say "That's sweet but I don't think you should be deciding for him".

He replies with a sigh "I'm not, it's just my opinion, Misa really wears all of us out".

I look up and see my apartment ahead, finally.

I say "Well I'm afraid you stopped me at the right time Mr Yagami, have a goodnight".

Mr Yagami abruptly says "Sorry for pushing you like this Y/n. I just want you to realize that I truly think Light cares about you and I want the best for him".

I say "It's alright, have a goodnight" He nods and gives me a wave.


I open up my phone as I'm sitting in bed to see a message from Rin, it's been forever.

How are you going with this Kira thingy, Y/n?

It's difficult, want to catch up with eachother tomorrow at our usual Cafe from high-school?

Sure thing! See you at 8:00?

I text back a yes then switch off my phone.


I am in bed trying to get some sleep.

My brain wanders to what Light's hands must feel gliding up my arms, or slipping in between my fingers.

His body pressed up against my back giving me comfort till eventually I fall asleep to my own illusion.


At the Cafe Rin arrives through the door pregnant and a big bright smile.

I am fully shocked, Rin runs up to me in her own pace hugs me tightly then and takes a seat at the table.

She says excitedly "Y/n! It's been so long!" I reply "Same, wow, you're pregnant".

Rin nods and says "Yes, I'm expecting twins. Now, enough about that, how are you doing?"

I ask "I'm doing good, what made you want to text me so soon at night?" She replies "Your boss, Ryuzaki".

I give her an odd look, I look over her shoulder when I notice something black to see Ryuzaki leaning against the glass windows looking at me.

I look back at Rin and say "Oh right. Yeah, Ryuzaki says I need to take days off and relax because apparently I'm stressing".

Rin replies "You are, I can tell by the bags under your eyes" I ask digging for my phone frantically "What, really?"

I pull put my phone and see my reflection, I say "Jesus christ! I look pale and sickly, no wonder".

I let out a deep exaggerated sigh and take a sip of my drink.

I look back at the window and see he's gone.

Rin asks curiously "Have you been getting sleep lately?" I reply "Barely, did you get your dream job?"

Rin nods and says "I'm a baker! Speaking of which..." She digs into her brown bag and pulls out a cake in a plastic container.

She says "I made the cake you wanted, it's your favourite", I smile and say "That's so sweet, thank you Rin".


I walk out with a smile holding the brown bag in my hand, Ryuzaki asks "Was that a cake?"

I roll my eyes and say "No." He presses with determined eyes "Don't lie".

I say annoyed "I'll cut you a piece later, and thank you for arranging this", he says honestly "I didn't arrange this, you did it yourself, I just arranged for Rin to text you".

We take a stroll for a bit and Ryuzaki says "Get some better sleep and I'll let you come back into the investigation okay".

I nod and say "Thank you" He says "Now give me cake".


I walk to my apartment with my two sixth cake and place it in my kitchen on the bench.

I hear a knock on my door, I open it to see Light, his form is different, like a totally different person than I've met before.

Light smirks and says "Find my notebook?"

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