Chapter 3

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Rin and I happily chat with eachother as we walk past classrooms.

Rin asks "I've noticed you spent alot of time with Light yesterday, what was that about?"

I reply calmly "I was asking him if he knew anything about the crimes on TV, I was curious on his opinion since he is top of our class beside me".

Rin nods and says "I guess you are right. Well I have to get to class and grab some things talk later!" She smiles and runs away.


I have already put my bag into the girls changing rooms in the gym and I walk onto the court.

The gym teacher shouts "Y/n
L/n, what excuse do I have today from you?"

I say bluntly "No excuse sir, I have a note this time" I hand him the note, he rolls his eyes and says "By the school rules I have to let you go and sit on the bench but when will you ever do PE, it's good for your health".

I say laughing "Probably never" He let's me walk past and I walk towards the steps.

I see Light sitting on the steps writing into a book with a portable radio beside him.

I sit beside him and say "Why aren't you participating in PE today Light? I thought you loved it" He turns off the mini radio and says with a bright smile "It is not bad, I just wanted to sit out today".

I ask peeking over his shoulder "What are you reading?" He closes the book blocking the view of the words and says "It's my diary" He laughs nervously.

I say with wide eyes "I'm so sorry!" He laughs and says "It's okay".

He asks me "Why do you always sit out whenever it's PE?" I sit there trying to think of an answer.

I tap the heel of my shoe on the step below me a few times and say "I mean, it's not my strength. Some people are good at it, some aren't".

He replies "I suppose that's understandable, physical education is good for your health though".

I look out over the court and see determined students climbing ropes and playing netball.

He isn't wrong, you do need physical education for your health but I'd prefer doing exercise without people watching.


~{Light's POV}~
I head towards my house, Ryuk hovers beside me pestering me about apples in the human world.

I say lowly "Can't you be quiet, I don't want to answer you in public".

Ryuk falls silent, after a few more steps he speaks up and says "Light, there is a girl running this way".

I say quietly "They are probably just running past", Ryuk shakes his head and asks "Isn't that the girl from class? Light, did you give her the Death Note?"

I freeze and ask with wide eyes "What?" I hear her shout behind me "Light!" I turn around and see a black thin book in her hand, I relax.

I give her one of my award winning smiles and ask "Y/n, what are you doing here?"

Ryuk asks "Light, how is she not seeing me?" Y/n says catching her breath "You forgot your diary".

I take the book from her hands and say "You didn't read it did you?" She replies with a small blush of embarrassment "No I didn't, I saw it on the steps right as I came out of the changing rooms".

I giggle, 'Of course I made my Death Note look like my diary, what idiot would leave something as precious as a notebook to kill in the open. The real Death Note is in my bag right now.'

I say scratching the back of my head "I must've accidently left it there, thank you".

Ryuk stares at me, I keep my full focus on Y/n.

She replies "Well I'm glad I could give it back to you, have a good day" she turns to leave.

I use my boy charm and say to her "You are quite cute when you are flustered Y/n".

She looks at me from the corner of her eye confused, she says slowly "Right... Thanks I guess?"

She walks away.

Ryuk asks "What was that about?" I say watching her leave "The real Death Note is in my bag, and on the other hand, why deny that she is cute who knows she might prove useful in future".

I smirk and continue walking back to my house.


I sit in my room writing more names down into the notebook, I lean back in my seat dropping the pen down and stretch.

Ryuk says in a bored tone "Tired?" I say "No, I have to study now".

My laptop flicks onto a white screen that holds a single letter in the middle of the screen "L".


~{Y/n's POV}~
I watch the news with my parents in the lounge as a character by the name of L challenges a killer named Kira who is supposedly the one killing the criminals.

I say to myself "So it is a person who is killing these people" my Mother says "Now that's interesting..."

My Father grumbles "Those criminals got what they deserved in the end anyway!"

My Mum agrees and says "That is true, hey Y/n, I just want you to know that you don't have to worry about this, you can go to your room now".

I nod and walk out of the room and down the hall.

Right as I enter my room I flip out my phone and turn on the news listening to what this L person has to say out of curiosity.

Light x Reader《DEATH NOTE》Where stories live. Discover now